fuzzy logic

by sleepy 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    I read this statment from YOU KNOW in relation to the Islealits spending 215 or 430 years in Eygpt,
    "The way to harmonise this seeming contradiction"
    Witnesses and others must wake up to this flawed style of reasoning.
    If a witness notices a seeming contradiction in the bible or by the society the first thing they do is seek to harmonise it.
    They do this by saying , the bible is true or the governing body is true, therfore the contradiction must be wrong and an explianation that can unite the contradiction must be right.
    What they don't seem to want do is modify their inital premise , that the bible or GB is right,in the light of any new point that may contradict the first.
    I feel it is wrong to draw a conclution on a point and to there after in life make everything fit into it, no matter which way you have to twist things for your world view to stay unified.(most often our orinal views were formed with an incomplete knowledge)
    You need to judge each new point on its own merit using previous conclutions only as a guide . And be willing change previous viewpoints in light of new information.
    There may be times were things that seem contradictory are not, and points do need unifing but to see this as the sole goal is wrong.
    Changing long held viewpoints though is hard to do, and our minds and bodies can fight hard against it.
    Much evidence of how this has effected scientists through history is found in a book by Richard Milton called "forbbiden science"
    A famous example was of Einstein who added things to his formulas so that they would fit in with his world view , as the new ideas he and others were reaching contradicted his world view.
    He latter claimed that this was one of the biggest errors he had made and removed his additions.
    Our goal if we want knowledge, should not be to unify points , but to see how each new point we learn taken in the light of our previous knowledge can stenghten or alter our view of reality.
    And to use all our knowledge together to help us to see things as they really are.

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