My psychology teacher is the coolest. I wanted to e-mail him and tell him that for V-Day or tell him in person tomorrow, because that's when I have his class. I don't want to go to his office (he has a private practice), because (1) I don't know where it is and (2) I really don't know how he'll react if I do that, and I don't wanna know!
The institution policy isn't clear about fraternization between/teachers and students, but they do have one little line about misconduct, and a whole page dedicated to sexual harassment.
I'm really confused. Should I just keep this a secret and keep staring at him in class all hour (which he hasn't said anything about), or just take 5 seconds to tell him how freakin' cool he is?
On top of that, I think he's like, 50 or something. And I feel like a teenager with puppy love.
I can't help it, though. This guy freakin' rocks ass.