Valentine's Day dilemma

by kaykay_mp 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • kaykay_mp

    My psychology teacher is the coolest. I wanted to e-mail him and tell him that for V-Day or tell him in person tomorrow, because that's when I have his class. I don't want to go to his office (he has a private practice), because (1) I don't know where it is and (2) I really don't know how he'll react if I do that, and I don't wanna know!

    The institution policy isn't clear about fraternization between/teachers and students, but they do have one little line about misconduct, and a whole page dedicated to sexual harassment.

    I'm really confused. Should I just keep this a secret and keep staring at him in class all hour (which he hasn't said anything about), or just take 5 seconds to tell him how freakin' cool he is?

    On top of that, I think he's like, 50 or something. And I feel like a teenager with puppy love.

    I can't help it, though. This guy freakin' rocks ass.



  • LittleToe

    Might wanna can it.
    Student/teacher fraternisation is a clear no-no in almost every institution I've come across.
    If things go sour, and like most relationships it has every chance of doing that, then things get awkward and complicated.

    Just my 2p.
    PS It was the buns, wasn't it?

  • jeanniebeanz

    Danger, Will Robinson! Yeah, you could probably get him in all kinds of trouble depending on how strict the school policy is and whether or not they enforce it.


  • Mecurious?

    Let him make the first move.


  • xjw_b12

    Send it anonymously

  • kaykay_mp
    PS It was the buns, wasn't it?

    He has the typical "guy" butt (or lack thereof). It's not so much his butt, but he keeps his comb and bandana inside his back pocket, and that's f**kin' cool! he wears this cool black leather jacket, and he's got this ponytail down to halfway down his back. and I think I almost got caught staring at his package one time.

    The funniest thing was when he explained what would happen if he was a total pushover and he used the name "Uncle Tony" (his name is Antonio). and I was thinking, like, "yeah, I like to call you Uncle Tony, baby."

    Jesus Christ. I'm glad I only have his class for one semester.



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