For some insane reason, I went to JW "official" website (LOL) and clicked that I was interested in a home Bible study. I put my PO Box as an address because I didn't want them showing up at my door. Well, I got a letter today offering that "free home bible study". She gave me her phone number and told me to call her. I don't plan on calling her, but I thought I would send some "goodies" to the return address. I planned on sending her the letter on the UN website. Any other ideas?
What should I do with this address?
by keeshah 4 Replies latest jw friends
Keeshah, Keeshah, Keeshah,
hasn't anybody told you that it's illegal to hunt in baited fields?
Have fun.
My gosh, you've got quite a buffet of choices!
I think you ought to choose the ones that really impacted YOU the most! You will be more passionate about the issues.
Hmmm .... remember this woman has not invited this information and that being too aggressive may throw her defences up.
If you were to write her a short letter, thanking her for her offer, but stating that you no longer wish a bible study with the Jehovahs Witnesses, then proceed to give her a short bulleted list of your reasons i.e. NGO of the UN, child abuse, 1914 chronology etc. Say you have come to this conclusion having researched the Jehovahs Witnesses since requesting the study, and give references to appropriate sites i.e. & .
You may wish to append a copy of the letter from the link above, and maybe some information from silentlambs, but keep the first page simple just to sow the seed. If you are going to include the appendices, you should tell her on the first page (albeit at the bottom), so that she doessn't feel you have trapped her into reading it.
She will read it as she will no doubt be intrigued, and she will probably feel her faith is such that she could not be phased by anything she reads, but by the end of it she will have serious doubts. Now, depending on how hard she suppresses it, a couple of years later with any luck, she will be writing her own letter to all of her misguided friends.
Great ideas, GroovyCat!
If I just send her only the letter, then they will know that the big Apostate just struck again. (I left a little present in the KH mailbox, and the coffee shop.) I like your ideas!... Act like a person that has never been associated...