Mad at a God you don't believe exists ..?

by Introspection 2 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Introspection

    I guess I'm posting this observation here because it seems like it would be 'safer'.. I can understand there are those who have gone through hard times, and frankly none of us is blind to human suffering in this world.. But when I hear someone who says they don't believe in God, then proceeds to say God is cruel for allowing people to suffer and so on, I guess my logical left-brained "male" tendancy kicks in and it just doesn't make sense to me. I mean really, you can only be mad at someone you believe exists. Technically, it seems like that doesn't even fit into the agnostic category, because that's just people who don't think you can know right? I suppose you can say if God exists, I would be really mad at him.. But I guess what it comes down to is if you believe God is just a projection of the human (your own) mind, and you express anger toward that God, aren't you just angry with yourself? Geez now that I'm thinking about this I'm getting all conflicted.. Should I approach people with this or not.. Well, it's good thing this Mental Health board is here!

    "It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

  • DougKelley

    Hey Intro!

    You raise an interesting thought that has crossed my mind before. I am Agnostic, and have blamed God a lot. I don't do it so much anymore, because I know I cannot count on any type of a God.

    I think that the reason people blame a God they don't really believe in is partly due to culture(a God-concept is so drilled into us), and also the process one goes through when losing his/her belief in God.

    Agnostic means "unknowable," and that is why I am Agnostic--I just don't know. Many things about the world tell me it must have been created, but I cannot reconicile this with God's deafening silence.

    It is very difficult emotionally to come to the realization that God may not exist after all. There are many times when we lash out at God due to circumstances. And if He does exist, He has a lot of questions to answer.

    In reality, when it comes to knowing the ultimate answers to the questions of our existence, we know nothing. No answers are available.They may never be available. We'll just have to wait and see.

    Thanks for your posts to this forum!


    Doug Kelley, CSL
    Please Visit for more personal growth articles.

  • stephenw20


    nice thread..and timely!......
    its hard to deny your point , if you are mad at something or someone , it gives evidence you believe they exist.....and I had not though of it that way ..good point!

    "But I guess what it comes down to is if you believe God is just a projection of the human (your own) mind, and you express anger toward that God, aren't you just angry with yourself? "

    one could say that , but then also everyone one would posses god or a portion of him and you could be angry at the world.
    I have seen this many times, done it quite well myself.

    I do enjoy Dougs points

    "Many things about the world tell me it must have been created, but I cannot reconcile this with God's deafening silence.

    It is very difficult emotionally to come to the realization that God may not exist after all. There are many times when we lash out at God due to circumstances. And if He does exist, He has a lot of questions to answer."

    In regards to God's Silence I must say , I hear him and know of others that have heard him as well. Being a former JW , it was /is difficult to REPROGRAM your idea of GOD.... or a relationship with him. But your point about how did we get here and why are we here, are outstanding points of discussion, and can go on & on.One thing to consider is this, God doesn't need our approval to have us live our lives. He also doesn't operate like a Dad of the earth with the reward system. The bible has shown us , life at times means little to him, the flood, the 185,00 killed by an angel.

    From what I have gathered , we have life here to may ask learn what....... good question as we don't have records of those that eliminate their body and tell us about it coherently for all to see.

    ........we are in the image of god......and in my miniscule opinion it means a few things and not everything.......we can cocreate life and be parents,love and be loved and we can develop the spirit side of us , so that many of the physical sides of life mean less and less.
    Its been done by few and you could pick thim out of a crowd by the positive nature of their spirit , their quisical nature of a situation

    To say God has alot to answer for is like placing blame on the guy who built the basket ball court because the net has a rip in it and the neighborhood kids vandalized the court. What about the peole who were to TAKE CARE OF THE COURT...wasn’t man put here to dress and take care of the earth.

    We .....all of us , need to take some responsibility. Man made cars, and put drunk drivers behind the wheel, god created horses.

    God did not make the media, and the borage of televised atrocities in the world....god did not make kids starve, man did this stuff, there is plenty of food, greed did this.

    Man was to have domain over the animals and the fish, WHO was to RULE over man................

    another man.?.... which is just as non qulaified as the bunch who elect him. The governments and relgions have been created to allow the majority to not have to live up to the rules of the land. Only the priests and the Government is suppose to... and we know even this has not worked out.

    Until we all get back to the beginning and say yep I was created, I will be grateful for that, now ......why am I here...what have I to learn..create some type of spiritual existence for ourselves...we will NEVER get back to god or the answers we seek.

    and for those who are comfortable with this good life, it would be better if God did not exist, because then they could not blame him.........


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