Any and all of you that live in Washington State, there are currently two bills in front of the House which directly impact Child Molestation cases.
- HB 1453 would REMOVE all statute of limitations from rapes or abuse involving minors. This is MAJOR legislation, since many abused do not remember or are too fearful to come forward for many many years. Abusers have been able to beat the system on this technicality for years.
- HB 1467 would REQUIRE that church volunteers or clergy report any abuse that they become aware of.
Please call or write your Representative immediately so that this important legislation does not die in committee! If you do not know who your representative is, use this link: - fill in your address information and it will pull up your legislature's names, and full contact information.
We all know how JW children are being abused, please help get legislation that can get these monsters behind bars where they belong.