A few years ago while in south Orange County, SoCal there was an announcement made. They needed volunteers to open their homes to our bro's and sis' that were coming in as International Delegates. This was supposed to be a showing of solidarity to our brethren elsewhere and a showing of JW unity and brotherly love (barf).
However, hardly anyone volunteered their homes! So another chastising letter was sent again requesting our help with this matter- the "friends" still didn't pony up. So we were harshly criticized and reproved for being so selfish and in giving such a "bad witness".
What a F'n joke! South OC is as rich as it gets. The bro's are too busy with their cruises and making $$ to be bothered with "brotherly love".
I volunteered my home for a Japanese family for the week. It was finally scrapped due to lack of support and "other" arrangements were made. I was so embarassed to be in with that bunch of selfish hypocrites.
Does anyone else remember this or have you experienced similar? True christian "love" in action!