I saw that many person were posting their experience in the jw so I decided to do the same. My parents entered in this religion when I was about 3 years old so I grew up as a jw and I couln't participate in the activities, at my school. I saw a topic about a giant conspiracy made by the jw and I do believe it can be true because we had this kind of strange experience when my mothers were sick. At the beginning, she was just a little too tired but it started to get worst and my mother had to go to the hospital and she fell in coma. Then my father were ready to do anything to save his wife and someone told him that a sister (that's how they call the women, in this religion) who practice reflexology in Montreal would be able to do something with my mother. So he decided to go in Montreal but it cost him a lot of money and it has no result on the health of my mother. So, he called another person (she wasn't a jw) who was selling natural products and we did see a great result. After that, my mother decided to go out of this religion but my father were still in the organisation so it brought a lot of quarrel in the house. Later, my father were searching documentation, he wanted to know if there has been a falsification in the medical file of my mother. Because of the lack of job, we decided to move in another region and then my father finally goes out of this religion. Unfornately, he died in 1998 in an accident, at work and I have 2 sisters who are still in the organisation and you surely know what happen when someone is shunned... Sorry for my bad english and mayby I forgot some parts of the story because when it happened, I was too young to understand.
Here is my story
by Nicolas 6 Replies latest jw experiences
Welcome to the board. I know how you feel about shunning. Although my shunning started before I left the orginsation. I hope you can make friends here. I know I have.
"Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford
Welcome to the Board, Nicolas!
It is a very nice place to be as so many will understand immediately both what it means to be raised as a Witness and to later be shunned.
You will find many compassionate and loving people on this board -- not too many judgmental types, which is something none of us misses.Just wanted to pop in to say hi!
individuals wife
Nice to meet you Nicolas!
I'm pretty new here myself to this board and I'm sure you will gain a lot from being here - I know I have! It's a wonderful place to come especially after a bad day and when you are feeling a bit low. I too am shunned on a regular basis and it is very difficult to deal with although as time goes on it does get a little easier.
I can understand what you went through as a child with regards to being excluded from activities at school. My children have been through the exact same thing. Hopefully, now that neither my husband or I are witnesses any more they will be able to grow up as well adjusted and balanced individuals, not held back from doing anything they want with their lives.
I was saddened to read about your father, my own father died in 1995 and I still miss him terribly. How is your mother now?
By the way - don't worry about your english! It is fine!
The worst things you can imagine as an ex-jw, I think is to being shun by your family. This is exactly what happen with my 2 sisters who are still in this religion. They seem to use this tactic as a way to try to get me back but it had the opposite effect because I were really shock to see their comportment and I thing that a if it was the religion of god, they wouldn't do it. However, I hope that someday, my sisters will see that they were wrong.
Thanks for sharing your story, Nicolas.
I hope you enjoy reading and learning from this board. It will help you not feel so lonely, as many of us are like you.
Hi Nicolas,
Welcome to this board, and thank you for sharing your story. I am SO sorry that your sisters are shunning you...believe me buddy, I know the feeling.
My sister and I post on this board, her name is Safe4kids...and we would be willing to "adopt" you as our online brother.
And don't worry about your english, you did very well...and I admire the heck out of someone who can speak more than one language!