The Australian Medical Association applauds a Supreme Court decision that allows a Perth hospital to give a blood transfusion to a 15-year old Jehovah's Witness, despite his family's wishes.
Australian Supreme Court Orders Blood Transfusion
by Kenneson 7 Replies latest watchtower medical
Thank GOD!
AMA welcomes Jehovah's court ruling
February 19, 2005 - 4:44PMThe peak doctors group has welcomed court intervention which allows a Perth hospital to give a blood transfusion to a 15-year-old Jehovah's Witness, despite his family's wishes.
The WA Supreme Court recently ruled that staff at Princess Margaret Hospital for Children can give a teenaged cancer patient blood transfusions, even though he and his parents object to the treatment on religious grounds.
Doctors argued the 15-year-old, whose name has been suppressed, may need transfusions because of side effects from chemotherapy.
Dr Rosanna Capolingua, chair of Australian Medical Association ethics committee, said doctors were obliged to provide the best care possible.
"The AMA recognises that people do have different belief systems and that doctors have a priority to preserve life to provide best care," she said.
"In this particular case, there was a minor involved and the parents did not want the child to be given a transfusion and the doctors felt it was in the best interests of the child to be given a transfusion."
Dr Capolingua said doctors needed to get a court order to provide the blood transfusions.
"When there are clashes between best care and belief systems there needs to be a way of working through them," she said.
Many Jehovah's Witness refuse to accept blood transfusions because of a literal reading of the Bible.
Does anyone remember that Awake magazine with pictures of martyred children who died because they'd refused blood? It chills my blood to think of that now, & I think even at the time I thought it was pretty sick.
Well it's about damn time! Every government should do the same. People can believe as they wish, but when they bring physical harm to others, they need to be stopped.
What government would allow you to sacrafice your child to god in a burnt offering or something similar? What is the difference when a parent willfully allows a child to die? I see none. Murder is murder.
If there is a god who punishes the wicked, the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses will have back to back life sentences for the thousands of murders they have caused by promoting a belief they have been shown is flawed....... and they do it just to save face of the organisation they belong to. That's wicked.
If I was god...I'd make all their weiners about an inch long and give the bastards a lifelong bad jock itch problem..........
* they prolly have 1 inch weiners anyway*
:back to back life sentences for the thousands of murders they have caused by promoting a belief they have been shown is flawed....... and they do it just to save face of the organisation they belong to. That's wicked.
No shit Gumby, well said. I know that when I was a youngster dub I would have declined a blood transfusion because of brainwashing. This is the kind of shit that gives me drive to keep posting on this board. -
GBL....Hey....somebodys up at this hour besides me! How the hell are ya? I just started a thread about their being no life here on the forum at midnight in the U.S. and I found a live person!
Now....back to the topic. Your reason for being here one of the reasons I also am here. I want to see this cult bite the dust in a big big way. I want no harm to those ignorant of what they believe....but those responsible ones who know better that continue in their ways are no different than a ruthless serial killer. They feel no shame over the lives they destroy. The sooner these sick bastards become worm dirt the better.
I also agree Gumby, I think their needs to be an accounting for error and dishounor. It will probably ever fail to come though because of the obvious lack of humility within the body. They continue to damage peoples spirituality, emotion, and individuality of concience by forcing them to obey a set standard that has proven ineficient. A standard of dogmatism they have no divine authortiy to posses by any sound reason of scripture. It is all composed of manipulation, presumption, and a elite attitude of not being accountable for wrongs committed. Whether or not they feel what they put forth is right or wrong, it is unscriptural to force that assumption upon others. I feel personally they should humbly apologize, face their actions at whatever personal costs, and dissolve their level of totallitarian control.
I doubt this will ever happen without time forcing them to, so a true apology will possibly never come. Either way I do wish that people would open their eyes and actually think about what they read, instead of blindly putting faith in an organization above faith in god.