SoF: The Return

by Bendrr 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    First of all, I want to again point out that UAD/NA is not my creation. Someone on this board started using the acronym (Unseen Apostates Directorate / North America) and I just took it and ran with it.

    So again, I should give credit to whoever came up with UAD/NA. Because now we have UAD/EU (UAD/European Union), and UAD/AU (UAD/AUstralia). Simon and the mods here comprise FORAD (FORum ADministration), a special operations division of UAD/EU. UAD/NA has Southern Command and BAC/SOG (Board Assistance Command / Special Operations Group).

    And of course, Southern Command's BAC/SOG proudly publishes the X-JW world's very own Bizzaro-world version of the Awake! magazine, Soldier of Fortune / XJW Edition.

    Now not too long ago there were rumors of SoF's demise. Fear not, though, as SoF is alive and well.

    As a matter of fact, I hear they're about to jump the shark yet again.

    Expect the usual hard-hitting content, plus an all-new regular serial Phase Two that pits the brave apostates of UAD/NA against the Watchtower Society itself!


  • Heatmiser

    Now all you need is the guy that does all the movie previews to do a voice over for you.

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