Incognito picture thread.

by Peppermint 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Peppermint

    I know some of us feel unable to post our photos on this site and for obvious reasons. Which is a shame as it?s always nice to have more of a clue about the people we meet here.

    I posted my picture on the Post your picture thread for about 2 hours. After that I got scared and decided to take it down in case anyone I didn?t want to find it, found it.

    So for anyone who wants to post his or her picture how about an incognito picture thread. You can do whatever you can to hide your identity ie plastic bag over their head, back to the camera, whatever.

    As for me, this is a picture of me as a toddler, nobody?s going to recognise me from this?I hope.

  • under74

    Sorry Peppermint. I don't have any pictures to even mask at the moment.

    I didn't put any gender info down on this site intitially becuase I didn't want anyone to have a clue to who I was--just in case. Now that I'm more comfortable...the non-specification isn't meant to stir confusion.....just decided not to state I was a girl.

  • Peppermint

    No worries under74.

    It was my mistaking your sex that got me thinking about this thread, that and the fact that a lot of people seem to think I am a woman when they responded to my posts.

  • HappyDad

    It's me many, many moons ago.

  • Peppermint

    Nice hat HappyDad.

  • Wolfgirl

    Me at 4 1/2 months...a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I'm the slightly less furry one.

    Edit: Can anyone find the picture thread for me? Search doesn't work. :(

  • Heatmiser

    Here I am, not incognito though. I have been out for a long time so I don't care if anybody recognizes me. Plus I am to lazy to dig up an old photo and scan it.

    Peppermint, I thought you where female for a long time just from your screen name. I guess my brain seen it as female even though it is a gender nuetral name.


  • rwagoner

    Here I am with the wife.........1 when we met ...carrying the olympic torch and 1 at Hedonism II in Jamaica.

  • JH

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