Freeman's similarities to Jehovah's Witnesses

by Dogpatch 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch


    The Freemens sound alot like how the Witnesses operate. A series of three articles from Washington State:

    In the Loop:

    Controversy Next Door

    Ex-members say Freemans created ?group identity?

    "Women who wanted to be close to Patsy Freeman and enter her inner circle followed the subtle and often unspoken rules, Young said. In the Freeman group, you were discouraged from wearing makeup or jewelry. You were looked down on as less spiritual if you watched television or read the newspaper. You didn?t celebrate Christmas or any other holiday ? or at least not to the same extent that others did. The outside world in general was shunned ?because it was so evil, so bad,? Young said.

    "Most importantly, you looked to Patsy Freeman for spiritual guidance on every detail of life ? even what color to paint your house, when to do your laundry or how to clean the house."

    Check out the whole articles!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    When Young left the Freeman group in 1995, she felt like she had left a convent and had to learn how people acted in everyday society. She sat in malls and watched shoppers walk, talk, eat, laugh and act ? normal.

    She had forgotten what normal was.

    A psychologically captivating method of legalism, discipline and peer pressure kept her in the group for decades,

    This quote sounds very Watchtowerlike.

    More reason to begin to accept that the WTS is more like a cult than not!


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    Interesting article. The sound even more controlling than the JW's if that's possible but they do have very similar agendas. The whole aspect of meddling in the minutae of people's lives sounds familiar and also the secretiveness and enclosed nature of the group. At least only a small number of people have been enticed into the sect. Like the ex-member said at the end of the article I can see the Freeman group fizzling out pretty soon, hopefully. I guess the crunch time will come when Mr & Mrs Freeman pop their clogs as they seem to be the driving force.

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