Last night I had a pretty profound dream. First off, I often dream about being at my old Kingdom Hall, with my family and various people who were in that congregation. Last night, my dream was that my parents, two brothers, me and my sister were at the meeting, but in a church. An old-fashioned, stone church, not all that big, but with a full congregation (no one I recognized). The service we were attending was like a Protestant service; the leader was definitely a pastor or minister, not an elder. My brothers weren't married; they were younger, late teens or early twenties, and my sister was about 8. The service was drawing to a close when my mother realized that the church was on fire. As we looked around, the only place the fire wasn't yet consuming was the door. My mother told my father that we should leave, but he said we had to wait until the song was over. My mother took my sister and me, and we left. We went for a walk, and when we came back to the church, my dad and brothers were standing outside the church; they were upset because they didn't know where we had gone. The church was pretty much ruined except for the stone shell of the outside; all the floors, pews, etc., were destroyed. Then my youngest brother (who is inactive) made a ladder and for some reason, he was the only one who could bridge the gap where the front door had been, and where it now dropped straight down to the floor of the basement. So, I woke up wondering; is this about me leaving? Or is it about the future of the Borg in general? The thing is, it was a church I was in, not a Kingdom Hall; which makes me think perhaps it could be about the church as a whole. And everyone inside got out alive but the church itself was empty and ruined. Anyone have any insights?
I had a dream.
by starfish422 1 Replies latest jw friends
I think you need to know a person pretty well and know what they're currently going through in order to help them interpret their dreams. I don't have any facts to back this up, but I don't think they are predictors of the future. Instead, I think they are your thoughts rolling around in your brain. Whatever you are thinking about, that is likely what your dreams will be based on.
Which is not to say you were thinking about stone churches. You were thinking about something that manifested itself in your mind as a stone church. For some, stone is solid, indicating strength. For others, stone is cold, indicating impersonal treatment. For me, a stone wall reminds me of an abandoned train station where I used to play as a child. My dreams about stone buildings would probably mean something different than yours.
Discuss it with your husband? Close friend? Child? Someone that knows you well. Hopefully you'll see whatever it is your subconscious is trying to tell you. (If it's saying anything at all, but that was pretty detailed to just be a passing thought)