Revisions Website

by silentlambs 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    i have made a few additions to the website. i am including the adjusted "about us" page changes below. i thought it might be better to give more information. also we are turning up the volume on the poster and brochure page. a new brochure entitled, "do jehovah's witnesses protect child molesters? i believe they do"

    why beat around the bush....

    two new posters that have the silentlamb in the background. soon bumperstickers, you are going to love this, but why lose the suspense? all in good time. thanks for the kind words and support it keeps us working hard for the change for the children.


    My Story:

    I have lived as a Jehovah’s Witness for over 43 years and served in an appointed capacity for over 20+ years. I pioneered, served at bethel, served as a ministerial servant, elder, taught elder schools, served on well over 100 judicial committees, worked in many administrative and managerial positions, given talks at circuit and district conventions. After many years of service, I discovered a problem that would not go away and due to my personal efforts from within I had to make a decision as to whether I could allow it to be hidden by a Watchtower agenda. This problem can be identified as the protection of pedophiles within the Watchtower organization.

    How did I come to this conclusion? In the year 2000 as I was serving in my local congregation I discovered information that proved a fellow elder had molested a child multiple times. The chairman of the committee that heard the matter chose to cover it all up so no one would know. I brought the information to the attention of the Circuit Overseer who also tried to cover it over. I wrote to the Society, they also wanted to cover it over by just removing him as elder but ordering me to not report it to the police. I had a simple choice, report the sex offender to the police and be deleted as an elder for not following theocratic direction or resign as an elder in protest, go public with the matter, tell the police and everyone else. I chose the latter course. I resigned as presiding overseer and elder not only as a protest of what had happened locally but also to make the public aware children were being hurt and Watchtower policy had to change. I wrote a letter to the Governing Body, Watchtower Legal, Service Department, and Writing Department. I identified the problem and requested action be taken to address this problem. If you wish to read my letter you may do so here WT LETTER.

    Watchtower response to me personally was a simple, “we accept your resignation,” to the public in the press, the response has been, “there is no problem” and “we do not change for anyone.” What humble men. Read this website and you will see what Watchtower chooses to ignore, the cry of the victims. The lambs have been silent for so long. Afraid to speak because of the threats and intimidation dished out by Watchtower leadership to protect the “image” of the Watchtower organization. I offer this website as a place for the lambs to roar, to speak out and tell of how they have been hurt. I believe to speak out is a part of the healing process for victims of molestation it can also help move them more quickly toward closure.

    The bottom line is after much effort to try and change Watchtower policy from within I found I could no longer “wait on Jehovah”, I do not believe Jehovah wants or would allow one child to be hurt, much less the many that have suffered and been molested as a result of Watchtower policy. There are many good people among Jehovah’s Witnesses who are deeply disturbed by these issues. The sad truth is no Jehovah’s Witness is allowed to challenge any Watchtower policy. If they do so they face severe punishment from the organization.

    By way of example in my personal situation the organization has had all church members refuse to speak to me, when I attend services no one will call on me or my family for a comment, when I see members of my congregation in public they refuse to acknowledge they know me in anyway, when I meet for field service I am put in a car by myself with no territory, my father was coerced to appear on a video release to the press in which he stated I was a liar about this issue, (he knew nothing of the matter) it has been reported to me my brothers and sisters have spread many vicious rumors about myself and family that are totally false, my wife’s mother and my parents refuse to have anything to do with their grandchildren, they have both written letters stating God will kill us for the stand we have taken. All this while I have never sat before a judicial committee in my life. My family and I have broken no biblical law nor have I challenged any church doctrine, all I have tried to do was tell the truth about how children were being hurt. I have not been disfellowshipped or disassociated, yet this how you are punished if you challenge a Watchtower policy.

    Perhaps this can help you the public to understand why Jehovah’s Witnesses are afraid to challenge those who run the organization. I knew I could not get help from within so the only way in my opinion, is to go public and by doing so with public outcry, force the Watchtower to do right by the children. I believe Jehovah’s Witnesses will thank me in the end and realize this effort is truly a gift to all children of Jehovah’s Witnesses to be able to live their young lives with a fair chance of not being molested.

    I encourage one and all to write, call, e-mail and by any other means let the Watchtower Organization know this policy must change, children are being hurt, it must be stopped now. Your voice can make a difference. If you do not know what to write just send them a copy of my letter or your personal thoughts to:

    25 Columbia Heights
    Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483

    Call them at:
    (718) 560-5600
    Ask for J. R. Brown (Public Affairs)

    We also would like to provide a resource for any victim of molestation to utilize and be able to find help. We have established silentlambs as a non-profit organization for the benefit of those who have been molested. We wish to provide resources to offer counseling, legal, financial and other assistance to those whose lives have been injured by molestation issues. If you would like to contribute your time or resources to assist this effort, please e-mail us at [email protected] . If you would like to help financially to support our effort to help victims, donations can be sent to:
    PO Box 311
    Calvert City, KY 42029
    Or click on the "donate to silentlambs" button on the home page.

    In conclusion, I hope we may be able to offer something in the way of comfort and closure to this large issue that so many have to face. Remember, you are not at fault you were victimized by persons who took advantage of the situation. Please get help and may God bless your efforts. Most importantly never let anyone or anything force you to live as a silentlamb.

  • gsark

    Thank you silentlambs, for all the hard work and personal sacrifice. I know what you are doing is having an effect, because (I am df'd since '89) my oldest daughter who is JW and shunning me, called me to tell me that their District Convention was coming up, and since they had picketers last year, she was hoping to see and talk to some this year!

    It is working!

    Life is a roller coaster. Get in, sit down, shut up and hang on!

  • Tina

    Dear Sl,
    Much appreciation to you and your family for continuing on regarding this issue. Silence is the enemy.....wishing you strength and courage always.Warm regards,tina

  • silentlambs

    bringing this back up.

  • Maximus

    Bill, check my post this am to COs/DOs. I've referred to your personal comments on this thread, but some are having difficulty finding it. Can you rename to "Silentlambs, Abuse, Website" or suchlike? Easier to do a Search or whatever for folks who are not familiar. Laptops have been busy ...

    One suggestion was given me that you post the summation of your story as a response to mine, without the extraneous phone number, appeals. Just your theocratic story and stance. They have heard all manner of incorrect versions.

    I am obliged to keep the confidence of my correspondence, but let me say there are many genuine articles who want the full picture, not the one they got at a certain refresher course.


  • Fredhall

    Bill Bowen,

    I know someone molested some children in a congregation and it was taken care of. He was put to prison and disfellowshiped. Moreover, this happened many years ago. Regarding the molester that you mentioned. Did the girl parents notified the authorities? What were their stand on it?

  • silentlambs

    the parents were threatened by their local body of elders to not bring reproach on Jehovah's name and thus were intimidated to not report it.

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