Rapture index

by Satanus 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    How much longer do christians have on this earth before they get zapped off to be w jesus at his ranch on utopianus planet in the logos nebula? Rest easy folks. It's being taken care of by the lords people on the site called rapture ready. The index is currently at 153, which is seatbelt fastening time; ready for take off!


  • Neo

    Ha! There are so many predictions for the rapture by Christian pre-tribulationists dispensationalists that just about every day for the next years are all covered by at least one prediction.

    Rapture Index of 85 and Below: Slow prophetic activity
    Rapture Index of 85 to 110: Moderate prophetic activity
    Rapture Index of 110 to 145: Heavy prophetic activity
    Rapture Index above 145: Fasten your seat belts

    Is the index at 153? Well, they say that the even the 153 fish in John 21 are prophetic of the rapture, so it must be real close!! Anytime soon!!

  • jeanniebeanz

    Too funny... :)


  • Satanus

    Yeah, it's real close. Everything bad is good. Getting flashbacks to the early 70's.


  • gaiagirl

    Assuming that one believed in the rapture, how would one prove that the rapture had not already occurred, and those on earth now are the ones left behind, as in the series of books?

  • glitter

    No little piles of clothes dotted about the place? :D

  • Satanus

    Besides the little clothes piles, there will be car crashes as christians are pulled up out of their moving cars. I would imagine that vast areas in the american bible belt will be practiclly empty of people. The canadian bible belt in the middle provinces of sask and alberta and parts of bc will lose a lot of people, haha.


  • gaiagirl

    What kind of "loving" god would take a person out of a moving car, to leave the car free to plow into other traffic and take other lives? I'm aware that this is the picture painted by rapturefans, and that this and similar images are in the books and movies based on the "Left Behind" series. I seem to recall one scene in which an airliner is left to crash, because the pilot had been "raptured". In the bible account at 2 Kings 2:11, Elijah went "ascending in the windstorm to the heavens". No mention is made of his clothing being left behind. And no one was injured as a result of Elijah's being taken. Could there be any other, more rational explanation for Elisha venturing into the wilderness with Elijah, and returning WITHOUT him? Could speculation about being raptured just be "wishful thinking" on the part of Christians who don't want to face responsibility for the problems of modern society? Would a "god" who would take the driver out of a moving car, or the pilot from an airliner in flight even be worthy of worship? Would such a god not be, in fact and in deed, worse than the majority of humans on this planet?

  • Satanus

    Good points, sister gaia. We monkeys can be seriously delusional. Remeber though, that the rapture serves to save the faithful from the terrible yrs (7?) of tribulation that will break out all over the earth after that. So, crashes and whatnot are just little warm up exercises for the god of love, and his prince of peace.

    When the gods evolved us, they must have been looking for entertainment value. I imagine that we will go on entertaining them for centuries to come.


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