I'm really curious, my grandma, who has pretty much been the only family member to check in on me on a regular basis since my DFing, called me about three months ago and asked me a list of questions that sounded like she was reading them off of a teleprompter or something. the questions sounded really rehearsed. "Do you believe in God?" "Do you ever plan on coming back and tying to get reinstated?" There were a lot of questions that just seemed really out of character for her. I answered her questions honestly even though I knew it would really disapoint her. I haven't heard a word from her since. She used to call @ least once a week. I have tried to call her and no answer, ever. I know she has caller ID. My question is: Have any of you out there who still go to meetings hear an anouncement that relates to my Grandma's behavior? Are families supposed to get down to the real nitty gritty with their outcast relatives and shun them entirely if apostasy is admitted?
-Low Key