I'm having a hard time understanding how people can get disfellowshipped, but the word isnt even mentioned in the bible! I cant even find it in the damn dictionary! Even tried spell check on it, and there is no suggestions.
Where did the word disfellowship come from, and why isnt it in the bible?
by cindykp 3 Replies latest jw friends
Here is your answer from Merriam Websters (the TRUE websters) Online ( www.m-w.com) :
Main Entry: dis-
Function: prefix
Etymology: Middle English dis-, des-, from Old French & Latin; Old French des-, dis-, from Latin dis-, literally, apart; akin to Old English te- apart, Latin duo two -- more at TWO
1 a : do the opposite of <disestablish> b : deprive of (a specified quality, rank, or object) <disfranchise> c : exclude or expel from <disbar>
2 : opposite or absence of <disunion> <disaffection>
3 : not <disagreeable>
4 : completely <disannul>
5 [by folk etymology] : DYS- <disfunction>Main Entry: 1 fel·low·ship
Pronunciation: 'fe-l&-"ship, -lO-
Function: noun
2 a : community of interest, activity, feeling, or experience b : the state of being a fellow or associate
3 : a company of equals or friends : ASSOCIATION
4 : the quality or state of being comradely
6 a : the position of a fellow (as of a university) b : the stipend of a fellow c : a foundation for the providing of such a stipendMain Entry: 2 fellowship
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): -shipped also fel·low·shiped/ -"shipt /; -ship·ping also fel·low·ship·ing
/ -"shi-pi[ng] /
intransitive senses : to join in fellowship especially with a church member
transitive senses : to admit to fellowship (as in a church)Hope that helps.
Can't say that I recall the word "shunned" in the Bible either.
no the word isnt in the bible
not our translations....
but the concept is there...not even greeting such a one..
And how about the old testament version..they shunned you by picking up BIG aztec stones and tossing them on you until you DIED. THat was fun boys and girls!