February 26, 2005 To Whom It May Concern: I hope this is the final time I will be annoyed by letters from the Witnesses. I have had many dealings with your membership; all of them bad. If you have been given my name by someone, tell that person that their tactics are not working. I am only annoyed by finding garbage in my mailbox. When a group of people can tear a family apart and pronounce a member dead because they no longer believe what they have discovered to be false, then they are NOT doing God?s work. I know my God, and he is not the one you have made up by skewing the Bible?s words to fit some illogical theory. Keep your garbage out of my mailbox, and I pray you will find the path to true faith one day. This was a letter my Grandmother sent to a local cong in Chicago. She keeps recieving Witness letters in the mail because she lives in a security condo and they can't get in. I'm so proud of my Gram! hg
I'd like to share this with you
by heatherg 7 Replies latest jw friends
nice letter. your grandma sounds like a tough broad.
Cool! I would be proud of her too.
You go Gram!
Have You Seen My Mother
you're right to be proud of her!!! i'm happy for you she did that!!!
heatherg, Do these items in or on the mailboxes have postage? Here is something I wrote up...posting it here for general interest to anyone....I'm highlighting the part about mail:
How to Reduce Contact from Jehovah?s Witnesses (United States)
Neighborhood Preaching: Post a ?No Trespassing? sign at your home. Click here to view a letter from the church leaders instructing JWs (whom they call "publishers") not to visit homes with No Tresspassing signs on them: http://www.dannyhaszard.com/notrespassing.htm
Telephone preaching:
Option 1: Get caller ID and don?t answer unwanted calls.
Option 2: Contact your phone co. to find out if they offer a service for you to block calls from certain telephone numbers.
Option 3: If you do accidentally talk to them, tell them they are to cease calling you immediately. If they continue calling, file a complaint with the police and phone co. complaint bureau. Normally, you must feel annoyed, alarmed, or harassed in order for action to be taken. (I personally would feel all of those if somebody calls me with a message that I?ll be killed by God soon, even if it was stated subtly.)Putting stuff in or on your mailbox with no postage: It is a federal offense. Law: http://pe.usps.gov/text/dmm/d041.htm#Rbi31049 File a complaint with the US Postmaster. How to complain: http://www.usps.com/ncsc/locators/find-is.html Enter your zip code first.
Putting stuff in or on your mailbox with postage:
Option 1: Don?t open it?mark it ?return to sender, refused?, cross out your address, circle the return address, and put it back in the mail. If unwanted mail persists, write a letter to the congregation, by certified mail with return receipt, indicating no further mail should be sent.
Option 2: File a complaint with the US postal office. See here for details: http://www.junkbusters.com/dmlaws.html Be sure to scroll down and read the links to the Supreme Court?s decision that the individual receiving the mail is allowed to determine whether or not the content is offensive. Another option is to file a complaint here: http://www.usps.com/postalinspectors/fraud/MailFraudComplaint.htm Use the ?unwanted mail? category.Emails:
Option 1: Use your blocking capabilities.
Option 2: On mine, I can send an automated message to particular email addresses if they send me anything. You could put a message indicating you wish their contact to cease to be automatically sent back to them. -
Your gran sounds great...good intelligent response...keep up the good work.
Way to go gramma!! Kick their ass!