Emphasis on Jesus

by robhic 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • robhic

    With my JW girlfriend still in the hospital, a lot of the JWs from her congregation visit. (That surprises me in itself.) They inevitably leave literature for whatever reason. Not just WTs and Awake! but a lot of little tracts. I've looked at them laying on the windowsill and such and have noticed that a lot of the literature seems to focus on Jesus more than I remember.

    I have a tract given to me yesterday by a female visitor entitled "Jesus Christ -- Who is He?" and although there is the always-present jehovah in the text there is more attention paid to Jesus. There were a couple of WTs present that had Jesus on the cover and more attention paid inside. Is this a trend?

    I find it interesting that the group that focuses on jehovah above any and everything else would give this much "airtime" to old JC. Am I mistaken or is this a new direction? Thoughts?


  • IP_SEC

    Naw thats an old tract (several years) just a guise so that we can still call ourself christian.


    The WTs you saw were proly the memorial watchtowers, therefore they would have had jesus on the cover

  • iiz2cool

    The tracts and literature that is distributed to the general public talks more about Jesus than the "solid food?" that is geared more to the fully indoctrinated JW.


  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    "Jesus Christ -- Who is He?"

    That title should ring alarm bells

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