Has anything got details about the new OM book being released at the meetings in about 3 weeks? Mar 20 I believe...... Its real hush hush....
Just Curious.....................
by researcher 5 Replies latest jw friends
Has anything got details about the new OM book being released at the meetings in about 3 weeks? Mar 20 I believe...... Its real hush hush....
Just Curious.....................
I heard that it will be green with yellow stripes.
With a fur cover... naturally.
You know, this maybe something that the PO and Sec being told to keep secret. Other than the KM announcement, I aint seen a letter or anything on this. Our Sec and PO are usually real good about sharing the letters as soon as we get them. Or maybe they just havent sent anything yet.
It will be pretty similar to the old one. Nothing new in WTLand. Here's the cover in Spanish:
Check also "Organized to do Jehovah's Will" Book contents.