To: Testicleless "lurker" friend

by HoChiMin 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • HoChiMin

    To my testicleless "lurker" friend;

    You are invited to sign up and post anytime to show your superior witness intellect. I know it's there because of all your very up building private e-mail responses you send in reply to my posts. Please try it and see what all the other apostates think of your sharp wit. You'll make many new friends here that can correct any spelling errors you make or comment on how DEEEEEEEEEEP!!!! You're witless (witness) comments are. I'm sure you'd be a big hit and keep the room going. And as for defending child molesters I will never agree with you, and I HAVE called authorities and warned many other people. Maybe they should be warned about you.


    PS: sorry for venting to a lurker here, but he's crossed the line.

  • SlayerLayer

    Post his emails here

    SlayerLayer---God was my co-pilot, but we crashed in the snowy mountains and I had to eat him.

  • Winston Smith
    Winston Smith

    I'd like to see some of those emails...I'm not sure exactly who you are, but I've got a clue, and from my pic you'll recognize me. You can email me at [email protected], Mr.Testicleless...

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