Have any of you been to an Ex JW Meetup? If so, how did you feel about it? I went to one in November, 2004. For me, it was terrible. There were six of us total. None of us had ever met. Halfway into the soul-baring discussions, one of them, whose name shall remain anonymous (because I can't remember it) began a tirade about Jesus. I couldn't believe my ears. He was trying to convert me and one other in the group to "born again Christians". Well everyone is entitled to his/her own beliefs, but when he told me I was going to hell because I didn't accept whatever his beliefs were, I started laughing. Imagine, first I had been threatened of hell by Catholicism; then Armageddon by Witnesses and now....I was being threatened again. I told him I was now happier, and more successful than I had ever been and I owned my own house which was more than I ever had when I was in any religion. How about all of you. Have you had any of this happen to you at an Ex JW Meetup? Any tips for future Meetups?
Ex JW's Meetup
by kazar 5 Replies latest jw friends
LOL! Mostly meetups are good, but every once in awhile they seem to get attacked by raging evangelizing fundies who are there to save your soul. Whatever. I've decided that if it happens, I will (from now on) either just leave, or continue to talk like they aren't there.
After all, if they get to continue their apocalyptic rantings after leaving the JWs, I can continue to practice a little of the shunning doctrine, right?
Big Tex
Well anytime I've gotten together with ex-JWs it's been great. But I live in Dallas which seems to be the apostate capital of the U.S.
From time to time there will be threads posted here about different fests around the country. I know the ones we've had here in Dallas have been anything but a revival meeting!
In fact we're going to have a few dozen ex-JWs in our house next month for a crawfish boil, as well as a few active JWs, some neighbors and folks from my wife's office. Poker, music, and who know what else. Just a bunch of people coming together for a good time, you know?
I would check out the planned meetings and see if anyone has an agenda. If so, then bail out.
and who know what else
I think he's asking about the meetup.com arranged gatherings. They can be a bit unpredictable, because anyone can sign up and show up. No screening, no introduction. But, IME, they've been a good tool for recovery. Not a party, not a fest, just a two hour (or so) sit-down at a pub where you can vent and laugh about life in and out of the Org. No strings, no commitments.
Once they get started, they're great. We have one here in Columbus every month at a local Restaurant. From this, we decided to get together in a less formal atmosphere. (Much like our old JW "get-togethers") Our network is growing.