I had the distinct pleasure of sharing time with me mum this evening. March the 28th and she'll be 75 this year. God has truly blessed her. I took it upon myself to give her thanks, from the heart, personally for being there. Even during the times when she reasonably should have dismissed or as they do in our world of JW-Land, disfellowshipped me. Greatful am I to God, that I never grew up in the Hall, with folks for witnesses. There is nothing like the comfort of a Mother's Love, and I desperately wish you, who don't have this as an option in your lives my deepest sympathy. I spent time with her and wanted to apologize for all the cruel and destructive energy that my life brought into hers. While talking to her, I requested that she look right into my eyes. She has a tendency to talk to me and not make eye contact. But I told her, looking her face to face, eye to eye, I am sorry for every cruel thing I've ever said or done to hurt you in your life. And she says, " I accept your apology", though she no doubt felt it was unecessary and maybe wondering, where is this coming from? But I should be dead, dead, dead, for the destructive pain that I've caused in her life. Sometimes I even feel that all the pain, anguish and heartache that I am suffering at this time is because of the things that I've brought into her life as well as the lives of others. Everything we do matters. Every word, every step, every breath. How ever longer me mum has to be on this planet will be a day brighter, than when she is no longer here. I look at the time that has been invested, her life, my life, sitting up at nights till all hours of the morning, waiting for me to come home from being out all night getting high. The pain and the heartache that children cause their parents when they are young. Young ones, I desperately beseech you, get to know your parents. For my generation, I desperately call out to you, get to love your parents, especially in their September Years. They deserve so much more than Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune. Make them your most treasured person on the planet to want to spend time with. They are a blessing, and you'll be the better for it. If you have this as an option, see your elderly parents off with a Grace that only God can help you understand. God Bless each and everyone of you. Arthur
Say Your I Love Yous Now!!! Right Now!!!
by prophecor 7 Replies latest jw friends
Arthur, what I love about you is that you are so soulful and real. How moving. I'm glad you did what you did for your mother. My mother died in 1994 in my arms. That's how I wanted it. I felt it would be less frightening for her.
But I should be dead, dead, dead, for the destructive pain that I've caused in her life.
The person who gave you life will always be able to forgive how you used it. Thank God for Mothers, since she is one too. -
What a wonderful son, she will treasure that moment and your maturity. It`s called "unconditional love"
something I now have and know about after becoming a mom. There`s no greater love.
I don`t have a love of a mom in my life and havn`t for awhile, my birth mother walked out of a marriage and 3 kids when I was 3. My Dad remarried and later we became JW`s and after I got DF`ed the rest is history.
This is a nice post to read...that's all I can say.
thanks. -
Frannie Banannie
That's simply beautiful, Prophecor! I'm sure your mother understands where you were "coming from".....my own mother passed away in 1982 and I can't recall how often I would pick up the phone automatically for many months after her passing.....to call her and share something happening in my life....only to realize before I dialed the number.....that she was no longer there....you're right, of course. We should all make the most of the precious time we have left with those who've loved us unconditionally....even during the pain we've inflicted as "brain-damaged" offspring, eh?
Thanks for the reminder, Prophecor! So important
For me I started on this journey of mending my relationship with my parents about 12 years ago. After a couple of years of going out of my way (living 200 miles away and making sure to keep in touch and visit when in town) My dad would ignore me, but my mom was always welcoming. Thank God/ess for mothers!
I invited my parent to my (last of 3) wedding, offering hotel and transportations fully paid by me. I heard nothing from them. Not one peep. I called 5 days before the wedding day and asked if they were coming up so I could make the appropriate arrangements to honor them at my wedding. I got a wormy answer from my mom. That was 1993 and I had not spoken to the since. They really hurt me with that one. Couldn't even drop a note to say no.
I finally got off my resentful ass in Oct. 2004, when I got off my highhorse and went over to their house (I moved back to my home city 8 years ago). With amazing results. It's too bad, but sometimes it takes time to wound all heals. Ive been back a couple times since, and need to go more often as my dad now has kidney failure from his diabetes. They are even welcoming of Kevan, my live-in non-married spousal unit.
Like with Prophecor, see your elderly parents. Time is too short, and they won't be around much longer. Those who are younger, keep on trying. It is ultimately worth it.
Hugs and love