Did you do a "mea culpa" ?

by moshe 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    It was hard to admit I was wrong about the WT Org- My friends and family appreciated my apologies-( back in 1988-89) I finally got the kick me sign off my butt. My ex-wife just faded away- never to admit she was fooled or tell me I was right after all. I can still hope for a mea culpa from her, but I don't expect it.



  • AlmostAtheist

    To my mom and dad, yes. It was such a relief. I found out my mom cried every mother's day for 20 years. She'll never do that again.


  • confusedjw
    I found out my mom cried every mother's day for 20 years. She'll never do that again.

    Damn it Dave. That stuff kills me. Your poor mom torn up because those dolts in NY label everything that doesn't glorify them as wrong. How the hell did we let ourselves get into this!

    Moshe - to answer your question this is how I did it. I took my son to my workplace on a Sunday - explained how I had figured out we were in a cult and not a religion and told him how sorry I was to involve him into this. Even though he had a pretty good life growing up as a JW (mostly due to the fact we did as we wanted concerning sports, vacations, etc).


  • jeanniebeanz

    I'm glad you're wife finally got out...might not get that admission, but at least she's out...


  • moshe

    My Mother cried, too, on 16 yrs worth of missed Mother's days- thank G-d I was able to make it up to my parents.

    My children are in their mid 20's now and they told me a few years ago that they were sorry for dissing me all those early years. We are all older and a lot wiser now, aren't we?



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