How Many Times Have You Been Baptized?

by ladonna 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • ladonna

    Hi Gang,

    I remember my baptism at the ripe old age of 13 at an assembly with the JW's.
    I did it to shut everyone up and to please my parents.

    After I ran away from the WTBTS and is like I went on a crusade of Baptisms.

    I was baptized as a Mormon.....and then as a born again Christian.......(prawn again christian)

    I think that eventually I gave up through being water logged.....
    But I am curious to know if any others around here have been so.....errr.....dumb?????


  • Prisca

    I was baptised just the once, at the age of 19. Although the WTS see it as a baptism to the society (in their eyes, Jehovah = WTS = Jehovah), I view my baptism as being solely to God alone, and see no need to be baptised again, regardless of what church I may join.

  • Tina

    I was baptized twice. Once as an infant into the catholic church and then as an adult into the WT more dunks here EVER again lol. Luv,tina

  • ladonna

    (((((((((((Prisca)))))))).......Sensible......I was younger than 19 when I was baptized son many times.....
    p.s...congrats on your promotion

    ((((((((((Tina)))))))))))......Yeah...I have learnt my lesson!!!!

    I guess in asking this question I have exposed my stupidity at that age...oh well...hehehe..some things never change!!!


  • Amazing

    Hi Ladonna: I have been baptized twice. First 'sprinkled' as a Catholic when I was a new born, and drowned by 'immersion' as a JW. As an ex-JW some Baptist preacher said I needed to be baptized again, but I told him he could go jump in the lake. - Amazing

  • outnfree


    This was a problem that bothered me immediately upon my exit (only 4 months ago, so look how far I've come!

    I was baptized as an infant in a Reformed Church and again as a Witness (post 1985).

    The post 1985 part is what bugged me. I hadn't really been immersed as a grown person according to what the Bible (and first & second century orthodoxy) saw as the proper formula -- baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit -- or "holy spirit."

    I, too, wondered if I should be baptized again, as an adult, properly.
    I finally decided that it was unnecessary. The infant baptism was done with the correct formula, and the immersion showed my intent to God as an adult, and so it's all good!

    Now if I could just figure out which god the Creator is?.... lol


  • spike

    I have been baptized 3 times. Once "sprinkled" as a dying infant in the Methodist Church. Another time as a Satanist. And later as a JW. But it took 3 attempts because my feet kept coming above the water when they submerged me. I had a fear of water then or maybe a unwilling spirit.

  • ladonna

    Thanks for the certainly got water-wise.

    Out.....I know exactly what you mean......who is the creator???? had me ROTFL.....

    Love to all

  • Billygoat

    Spike - LOL!

    I was dunked twice. Once at 16 as a JW and again at 25 in a Protestant church. I wanted to be baptized, but felt since the first time was done for the wrong reason, I'd do it again.

    Now I don't feel the need to be baptized again, should I join another church. Like Prisca, I feel my baptism is with God - not a church.


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