My 16 year old daughter has been dating her JW boyfriend for over 10 months now. His family is what the dubs would probably call "spiritually weak" but I have shown her a lot of posts from this site to let her know what is more typical behaviour for the average dub.
It's not that she didn't believe what she read, but it is so much more effective to see it first hand.
1: One of BF's friends told him that he couldn't associate with their family anymore because they weren't strong enough in the truth...boyfriend was quite hurt.
2: During a super bowl party at the BF's house, they had to change the channel every time the commercial for The Cursed came on. When they said that it looked good, the room went silent and everyone turned to stare...
3: This past weekend, she attended a wedding reception for a couple that didn't get married in the KH (groom wasn't baptised/bride was). Almost all of the groom's friends boycotted the reception (following the elders) and got together to do something else. They didn't think that the bride's father was going to show up but in the end he did.
Even though my daughter had heard about stuff like this, I think it still shocked her to see it in action...especially among young people. She sees the hurt caused by their "friends" actions.
Why should a father showing up for his daughter's wedding be such a praise-worthy event??
It doesn't matter how good a line they talk...eventually their actions reveal "The Truth".
They hang themselves...eventually
by ConcernedMom 2 Replies latest jw friends
"by their actions..."
JWs live in their own culture and actions like that are completely normal to them. They think that they are normal. They don't realize that outsiders view them as kooky.
I remember several years ago on a couple of seperate occasions where people had started studying and coming to meetings. Eventually they were invited to do some social activities and it looked like they were going to make it and get baptized and then something happened. Not at the hall, not with the elders, but something set them off. Something we did. Something that was said or some action at a social event. They quit associating with us and quit studying. At the time, I didn't understand why they would quit studying and coming to meetings over something that happened at a social gathering or over something that was said. Ya know, the old, "why turn your back on Jehovah because of what someone else did" reasoning.
Looking back on it, and your post reminded me of those occasions, I realize now that it was our weird behavior and how we treated people that probably disturbed these people into realizing that maybe we weren't so with it after all. We shunned people, not just DFd but "weak" ones. We openly discussed their "weakness" and how we couldn't associate with them. We condemned everything in the world as far as entertainment but then would rationalize the stuff that we thought was okay. We were just plain weird and out of touch with reality. We had no idea how the real world operated. I think these new ones decided it was best to not get involved with such wackos and disappeared.
I don't blame them for running. I'm glad they figured it out and got away. Hopefully your daughter will see this and realize that getting away from them is in her best interest.
Nothing quite like seeing the JW's shunning in action to make anyone seriously question life within the org. I'm glad your daughter had the oppurtunity to see it first. Unfortunately the story you told isn't even that bad, just a little taste you might say. I along with others here have seen bad, the kind that destroys families and lives.