LOVE IN FRANCE, and what about you?

by MAHABA 9 Replies latest jw friends


    This trailer has been done by French Governement to show what happen to some beaten wives.(They said that 10% of women are beaten by their husband in France)

    A bit long to download

    The translation of the text:
    Je t'aime:
    I love youUn peu : A little bitBeaucoup : A lotPassionnément: PassionatelyA la Folie : With madnessPas du tout: Not at all

    Today, in France 1/10 woman is victim of marital violence

    Let us react before it is too late

  • eyeslice


    Women need to be taught from an early age that relationships always, always have to be zero tolerance towards violence.


  • upside/down

    What about the women who beat men or take everything, or destroy their lives and take the kids when the man did nothing?

    I get tired of this us vs. them mentality. It is truly a minority of both sexes that resort to this. Teach your kids to avoid people like this and have zero tolerance when it does emerge and call the cops!

    I know someone locally that makes a fortune off of being an advocate for abused women and she's a tyranical controlling arrogant BITCH. I know her and she's a LIAR. Her husband is a mouse, and she travels all over telling these made up stories of extreme abuse and how she's a survivor, only one problem- IT NEVER HAPPENED! She's just making a fortune off of people good nature and being PC.

    No offense to the true victims out there ( I know I'm one). I just hate this stuff. When I was a kid in Orange County there was a statistic out that one third of all women in the county would be assaulted sexually by their 25th birthday. Think about that... it's bullsh*t. But no one contests it because ii't PC and "news worthy". That means most men are criminals and sexual predators... more BS.

    ok I'll quit...

    u/d (of the both sexes can be evil class)

  • SixofNine

    Thanks for the link, MAHABA. I was just over there and I loved the "One is The Lonliest Number" ads that were encouraging the French to think about the plight of the handicapped. I'll give this a look when I get a moment.

    When I was a kid in Orange County there was a statistic out that one third of all women in the county would be assaulted sexually by their 25th birthday. Think about that... it's bullsh*t. But no one contests it because ii't PC and "news worthy". That means most men are criminals and sexual predators... more BS.

    U/D, how do you figure "That means most men are criminals and sexual predators... " ?

    Aside from the math, I think that if you took a poll of the women here on JWD, my guess is that somewhere between 25 and 35% of them have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives. Hope I'm wrong to the high side.

  • SixofNine

    Wow, just watched it. Powerful concept.

  • upside/down

    So just who are all these creeps? I'm no hermit and I know a lot of people but these are HIGH figures. If a third of all females are being assaulted, who's doing it? It can't just be a few creeps. Maybe we need to define assault. My wife thought telling her she couldn't go shopping was "abuse' and tantamount to "assault"- whatever...

    I'm talking being attacked when I say assault. If that's true than I'd certainly see an incident personally (odds are). And if this is true than every female should take karate by law and carry a taser and a mini-9mm on their person. When one of these bastards surfaces than women everywhere should beat the livin crap out of him! That'd put a dent in those figures- if they're true.

    u/d (of the protector of females class)


    I know, where I leave in France, among the friends of my son, at least to girls who are regularly beaten by their boyfrend.(one girl is 16 and the other 19). When asked why they stay with such guy, they said, he will change, or this is my fault! So even among you people, this scourge, violence against women, is present.

  • SixofNine
    And if this is true than every female should take karate by law and carry a taser and a mini-9mm on their person.

    I'm not so sure that's a bad idea, actually.

    Who are these creeps? Well, first of all, even if every predator had only 3 victims, that would only be roughly 10% of all men, given a 1/3-of-all women-as-victims number. Three victims per predator sounds very low, to me, but I'm not really up on the numbers.

    The vast majority are victimizing members of their own family, so you wouldn't see that. The date rapist... you won't see them do their thing either. The regular old-fashioned 6 O'clock news type rapist.... nope, they don't look for an audience either.

    But you do see these men, at work, at KH's, at churches, at the mall.

  • upside/down

    OK good points.

    Now I offer my solution (with sounding to Dubish)... All women should have some "good" men in their lives somewhere, whether it be dad, brothers, b/f, friends, whatever.

    If any creep so much as looks at you funny, you go tell them and let them take care of it. I would personally bludgeon anyone who did ANYTHING inapropriate to any female I know, especially my daughter or wife. And I have a pack of friends that would help me.

    This is just good old fashioned community responsibility. Word would get out and travel quick not to mess inapproptiately with the chicks!

    Remember the scene in Fight Club, when Tyler (Pitt) and his posse corner the politician in the bathroom and threaten to cut off his balls?



  • Xena
    All women should have some "good" men in their lives somewhere, whether it be dad, brothers, b/f, friends, whatever.

    Should being the key word. Now all women do unfortunately.

    I consider myself extremely lucky that I have never been physically or verbally abused by anyone in my life so far. I would say at least 60% of the women I have had contact with in my life have been. It makes me sad, it makes me sick and it makes me scared for my own daughter.

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