Hello, I'm wondering if anyone has any information about the June '04 mags concerning whether or not there was an "update" on how JW"s are supposed to treat their disfellowshiped family members. I received a scathing letter from my mother telling me to never contact them again and upon telling someone about this, they thought they saw something in a June mag. dictating this behavior. I'm trying to do a bit of research and will greatly appreciate any information, or if possible, a scan of said article emailed to me at [email protected] Thanks in advance. Marie
June 2004 Magazines, info wanted please
by flower-eater 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
Im not sure as to the answer since I no longer recieve magazines but I would not be surprised if they are clamping down. I have taken notice of increased pressure put upon faded ones to openly state which side of the fence their on though. I think they might be in damage control especially with all the spotlight they have been recieving due to the UN, blood, and child molestation. Their way of damage control is blaming the victim rather then themselves. Somehow in their mind its more feasible to crack down on DF and DA ones family association then admit that the fault may lie directly with them. Cutting off family members from DF'd or DA'd persons essentially attempts to shut off any flow of damaging information that could be leaked out to family, and on and on down the line. Its basically the same as the old saying "blame the dead guy because he can't talk", and in this case the dead guy is anyone who is DF'd or DA'd. Its a dishonest way of concealing wrongdoing on the society's part. It serves to protect their image but on the flipside destroys peoples lives in doing so. How Godly is that may I ask? Doesn't seem so Godly to me but it rathers seems greedy.
Are you sure you have the right magazines just checked June 2004 and I can not see anything about this
Bluegrass Tom
The WTS's direction is that you do not talk to or eat/associate with any disfellowshipped or disassociated relatives that do not live with you. Only family business under rare and controlled circumstances can be transacted. If the person lives with you, the treatment varies slightly.