My wife was grabbed by a JW today.AT the ST.Louis Home show.

by ko38 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ko38

    Its not what you think.(not sexual)We ran into an old friend that we first met when he was not a practicing dub about 10 years ago.We used to go out to dinner all the time and both his wife and mine got along well.He was a former ms and while I didnt know that he had a background with the org at the time I was all the time talking about our need for a purpose in life.

    I thought I would influence him in the truth and show him the way to salvation even though I was at the time way far from the society's acceptable persona of good standing..Well,after a night of many crown royals and crab legs and prime rib and pasta bar he told me that he used to be an MS.

    He was very shy to admit this as his lifestyle was not befitting a christian.For some reason or another we drifted apart and lost touch.In the meantime a couple years passed, well more than a couple maybe 10 and last years district convention,guess who we saw?Yep my buddy sitting 2 rows across from us.

    Let me give you some background,I was raised a dub and went crazy at 16 before being baptised.Ive never been baptised.I had always believed though, and had never went to college.I put in full time hours though never was recognised at all as you Know.

    Some of you may know that there was a few years lapse there and then we found out the truth about the truth.Without telling the whole story I would like to skip to this week.My friend is a home improvement salesperson the same as I am.We first saw him going out the door where the smokers hang out.We hadnt seen him in a while so we called out to him.He told us right away that he was back in.I took a looooong pause and said that I had done a lot of research since I had last seen him.

    He said (thats great, so when are you getting baptised?)My wife was with me and she just looked at me like,THIS ONES YOURS.Well I brought up a few points about the usual un thing the flip flop and the fds.Then he just walked away and shook his head.This was so abrupt it was uncomfortable.My wife and I went back to our respective booths in the homeshow and just thought to ourselves(He is blinded).

    On the very next break my wife had,she walked towards my booth and just happend to passs him againl.He GRABBED her and said I know your husband feels that way,BUT DO YOU?You know that right now you have to make a choice.

    To make a long story short,my wife who has never been a dub and has no problem with the truth told him that she is the one who showed me the truth about the truth and started to speak of the need for truth in speech and the consistancy in beliefs.Needless to say he spoke of ,Either you have Gods spirit or not.

    We both tried to reason with him however it was clear he was brainwashed to the point of unreasonablness.

    Those dubs are programmed to reject

  • Latte

    {{{{{{{Ko38 & wife}}}}}}},

    It is so hard to get past that JW mindset?the GB have done a good job in that dept. (SIGH)

    I?m sure that something would of gone in, it does rock them a little. You did your best, and what you had to do.

    I would love to free my old JW friends, but I am coming over to believing that, they really have to do it themselves, I'm sure you helped that process.

    Take care

  • MonkeyPrincess

    you might have planted a little seed of doubt, you never know.
    maybe sometime in the future he will do some research on his
    own based on what you said to him.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Good on both of you, ko. As has been mentioned in other threads, you can't unknow stuff. Despite any mental gymanstics he might go through to explain away what you told him, he's stuck with it. If he never acts on it, that's his call. But you gave him the tools he needs.


  • DanTheMan

    If he's recently back in then he's probably still riding the wave of good feelings that one gets from all the smiles and pats on the back at the KH.

    That'll wear off.

    The smiles and friendliness were a big part of what fooled me, anyway.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Hey..K.O. I am in St Louis..and I am also K.O. but a different age.. Much older...

    My daughter owns Country Club Limo's.They also have a She is in St Peters, Mo. Where are you?

    My other daughter is in Illinois and my son is in Union.

    I am in North County. Been out of "The Truth" for many years now.I still have In laws that are J.W.'s and believe it with their whole heart.

    My hubby was a JW and died with a guilty conscience. (Long story)I no longer have any contact with the JW religion. I know too much about them to ever go back. I did a lot of research about their origin and I wasn't happy with the results. I also saw the social behaviour in the religion and it disgusted me.I was a JW for 13 years and never was taught the origin. It wasn't until I had been out a while and logged on to the X JW boards that I found out where to look in their own literature to find the many changes that took place in their beliefs over the years. I was really surprised.

    I have 3 grown children and none stayed in the religion.

    That book should be "R" rated . No kids allowed to look at the pictures!

    Believe it or not they still have nightmares about the "Paradise book".

    Glad you finally found the "Truth "..

    I don't get on here very often but nice to see "New ones"..Welcome...

    I haven't read all your posts..but are your parents still JW's?

    Believe it or not..from what I did read your dad sounds like a typical JW ..

    Snoozy..aka..Golden Girl..

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan
    We both tried to reason with him however .......

    I think that it would probably be best for him if you totally raised your voice; to tear him a new one, big time.

  • kittykitty

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