Spreading Good News (Without) an Organization!
Spreading (good news), comes in many forms, because not everyone defines the two words (good news), the same. Whether you are spreading good news from the deepest Biblical doctrines and quoting scripture, or whether you choose to spread good news without a Bible and just desire to say a kind word to your neighbor, it is still very clear that good news can be spread (without) an organization.
Good news can represent a better world to many people relating to the future. Yet, good news to others can be hearing that Gas Prices are going down right now!
It is interesting to note that even the Watchtower admits at times, that an organization is (not) needed for someone to spread good news. If fact, they even admit that you (don?t) even need to be one of Jehovah?s Witnesses to spread good news.
The Yearbook/1995/pages 178-179, published by the Watchtower Society states quote:
Good News Reaches Chiapas StateEven before that registration, the good news reached Chiapas State, in the southern part of the country, and it was taken there by someone who was not a Bible Student, as Jehovah?s Witnesses were then called. From that area, a well-to-do man named Del Pino went to Europe to study medicine. While there, he also learned much from the Bible Students. On his return to Mexico, he prepared a hall to which he would invite his workers on the Montserrat Hacienda as well as local Evangelist ministers. He knew how to find things in the Bible, and he got considerable enjoyment out of explaining doctrinal truths to those who had gathered.
One who listened to these discussions
with a receptive mind and heart was young José Maldonado, who, in 1924, was working on the hacienda. There is no evidence that his employer, Doctor Del Pino, ever actively associated with Jehovah?s Witnesses, though he did receive the Watch Tower publications. However, the Bible truths that young Jos é heard stirred up in him the desire to have a share in preaching Bible truth. In 1927, Jos é became established in Tuxtla Guti é rrez, and from there he spread the good news and distributed Bible literature throughout the State of Chiapas?this without any training from the organization. In another city, Tapachula, near the Guatemala border, Josefina Rodr í guez also began to preach the Bible?s message at that time.Of course in this example, the Watchtower Society would like to claim that the teaching of Bible truths was a result of (their) literature, but the fact remains, these two individuals were (not) described as Jehovah?s Witnesses, and were (not) trained by the Watchtower Society to spread good news that they (chose) their (own) words to accomplish! Jose? may have re-established himself in a different place, but the article doesn?t say that he ever got baptized, or ever really became one of Jehovah?s Witnesses. His previous employer, Doctor Del Pino, may have been receiving Watchtower publications, but still the Watchtower admits that there is (no) evidence that he became (actively) associated! Yet both men are used as examples by the Yearbook as ones building meeting halls and spreading good news.
Jehovah?s Witnesses could apply this example to their own lives today. If the Watchtower Society admits that an (organization?s) training is not needed to spread good news, then many people wonder why JWs continue to rely on an organization for their every word and thought to be dictated to them.
If you should happen to be one of Jehovah?s Witnesses, haven?t you been lied to enough? Would finding your own station in life (without) an organization really be so bad, if you thought that you could spread good news without it? Doesn?t your own life and freedom for happiness demand that your life be lived without dictatorship? Others are certainly spreading their form of good news (without) an organization, and so can you, whether it comes from the Bible or whether it comes from the good news of the menu of your favorite restaurant.
Organization is (not) needed, to give or receive good news!