I used to work in a grocery store- at Thanksgiving all the employees were given a free turkey. We had a couple of witnesses working there- they would tell everyone that they did not celebrate Thanksgiving- but they never refused the free turkey.
free turkey
by sugarbritches 6 Replies latest jw friends
Typical dub double speak.
Ive seen this lots before, just like its ok to accept the christmas bonus but claim to not support christmas. Ive also seen jw's at a "worldly associates"(as they would say it)birthday party because they were also in his very wealthy will, but of course it was ok because they didn't eat any cake. They treat this man better then their own mother because he is a bacholer, worth alot financially, and no immediate family. So if they butter him up they get his money, and their mother who is in a old folks home gets an occasional hello. Ive even seen an elder share drinks at a christmas staff party, but of course he appeased his guilt by not saying merry christmas. So the same with the turkey, they just justify it because it benefits them. Anyone else would probably do the same even though its essentially being hypocritical.
Since we're talking turkey (ha, ha)...I have a good turkey-dub story.
I briefly worked for 2 dubs in their company, years after I had left the borg but was not DFd. They hired me knowing what my situation was.
So there was a sales contest with one of our vendors....whoever sold a certain large ticket item would receive a turkey. I sold a dozen, qualifying me to receive a dozen turkeys. I was scheduled to be laid off from my job within a week or 2 and was extremely poor, so I was terribly grateful to be receiving these turkeys.
I talked to the vendor and arranged for them to drop the turkeys off on the next Monday. (The business was closed on weekends.) Unbeknownst to me, the dub owner's daughter called the vendor and rescheduled the delivery for Sunday. She met them there and took all my turkeys, then had a giant dub party with them.
I confronted the dub owner (Elder, at the time), telling him I literally was going to have nothing to eat now. He said he was sorry but refused to do anything to rectify it. Not a damn thing. I asked what Jesus would have done, if one of his followers stole 12 turkeys from a poor person. Still nada.
Rebel8, in the wild west a man would be shot for stealing one turkey, let alone 12.
Wait, maybe that was horses.
I think that a Christmas bonus and / or the turkey, is part of your salary, thus I always accepted what was given at that time of the year by my employer.
Rebel 8, that is so typical of jw's. They always blab how they will help out the poor distressed souls but again just lip service. A big party is more important then the welfare of someone who is in need. Really a greedy thing to do on their part, your the one that earned the turkeys not her. Sheeesh that peev's me off that they wouldn't even remedy the wrong.