The Watchtower Has Downgraded Love

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    A number of you like to speculate, 'reading between the lines'
    of some Watchtower article, wondering what reality hides behind
    the starkness of black ink on white paper.

    In one recent case, that hidden reality is sad, indeed.

    Take a good look at a particular contrast. First, a quote from
    the 'Truth' book, paragraph 4 of the chapter 'How to Identify
    The True Religion':

    "The Bible tells us that 'God is love'. In harmony with this,
    Jesus showed that the most outstanding mark of those who follow
    his example in worshiping God is that they would have love among
    themselves.[phrase in italics] He said: "By this all will know
    that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves."
    (1 John 4:8; John 13:35)... It must be love that deeply affects
    every aspect of one's daily living. It should influence how one
    treats the other members of one's household....Do the religious
    organizations with which you have been acquainted have this mark
    of identification?".

    So, in 1968, of all the arguements in favor of Jehovah's Witnesses,
    LOVE WAS PUT FIRST! All other main points came afterward - read the
    Truth book for yourself, if you think otherwise.

    Fast forward to June 1, 2001 - look at the article "If God is For
    Us, Who Will Be Against Us?".
    Look at how they identify 'the true religion' now!

    In order:
    1) "fruitage" of true religion
    2)use of Bible
    3) God's name
    4) joy (oh, boy, pass me the prozac, sister!)
    5) Bible principles
    6) organized like 1st cen. Christians.
    8) Impartiality

    Where did the former #1 identifying 'mark of true worship' go?
    It got put in as kind of a minor point under number 8, NEXT TO

    How did this happen? How did such dramatic words out of Christ's
    mouth end up given so little emphasis - remember, he said "by this,
    all will know...". How did this most important quality end up
    seemingly almost forgotten?

    Because it is almost forgotten.

    The organization has to be pushed, forced by public shame to
    reform its response to child molestors. AND MORE THAN THAT,
    in common occurrence, love among Witnesses doesn't appear as
    anything spectacular or notable. You say "Witnesses don't kill
    each other" -- how wonderful! Outside of third world countries,
    what is this supposed to prove? I see MANY churches rally together
    for a member who's sick - I know a large Witness family where
    a brother needed a kidney transplant - he got one - not from any
    compatible Witness but from a brother who 'faded away' years ago!

    Remember how "hospitality" was emphasized as a requirement for
    elders years ago? Another bit of 'love among yourselves' filed
    away and largely forgotten..

    The Society wrote this 'identifying the true religion' article
    this way because.....

    They KNOW!

    They know how this precious quality has ebbed away in the organization
    and so, DE-EMPHASIZE IT!

    And that's sad
    because in the end,
    when all the scandal is done,
    when all the doctrines are undermined,

    it would be the one thing that would save them.

    so be it,


  • Grunt

    Hello Metatron,
    I couldn't agree more. In addition they have lost their confidence. I think with the witnesses I know they have almost a seige mentality. Gone are the days when they were eager for a debate with a learned foe. Now if anyone shows they have a knowledge of their beliefs and are able to discuss them with a bible then it is time to hit the road. For a group of people who used to pride themselves on their ability to use the bible to prove their beliefs and show others the light, they have really done an about face. An example is this person, Godrules. While I admire him for showing up and for being open-minded enough to want to discuss his beliefs, still he comes in with his head behind his hands: "I don't want to discuss blood, dates"... or I forget what else. I wrote him a long post on the mediatorship and the new covenant but before I posted it I read what everyone else has said and realized it wouldn't do any good. No, the feeling that we are a band of brothers with the one true faith and the lives of the world depend on our discussing the "Truth" and getting it out, seems a thing of the past. I guess with so many computers and so many well informed opponents they have just seen too many other witnesses get shredded. Were you at H20 when Stafford (a JW author) showed up to do battle? He wound up getting thrown off the board by another witness who turned him in for being there, the society threatened him and he acted like he was leaving, then came back with another identity trying to brag on himself and got caught red-handed. With heroes like that I guess it is no wonder that witnesses hide and try to get boards where only other witnesses can talk to them. If they had anything to say, like I used to think I had when I was a witness, then the net would be the most wonderful witnessing tool in the world. No love, no confidence, no real "truth." I am just grateful that the witness kids are getting online and seeing things as they really are. As things get tighter they will get tougher on doubters probably, the thing a cult hates worst is an ex-cult member. The last thing they are thinking of is love. How poor a quality book can we actually push on the "brothers?"

  • blondie

    In the WT article (8/26) hippikon posted, "Be Joyful Harvest Workers", I counted 27 words with "joy" in them and 6 with "rejoice." So joy is the word. Also, recently the concept is "divine backing" which was in every paragraph at least once if not twice in a recent study article.

    Conclusion, the R&F are having a problem believing the FDS has divine backing and lack joy in serving Jehovah evident by the decreasing meeting attendance, preparation and participation.

    The whole DC seemed to emphasize that JWs are not studying enough or participating enough. The quality of comments is going down quickly. Everybody just reads it out of the paragraph...."the paragraph says"...I thought it was "the Bible says."


  • patio34


    That was amoving post. Thanks for thinking of it. It really did seem that way to me in recent years (with very few exceptions). I always blamed myself, but now feel it's a common problem in the WTBS--the loneliness.


  • Bendrr

    I recall memorizing the "fruits of the spirit" as an Empire Youth: "LOVE, joy, peace. etc." . I guess the latest edition of the NWT has that passage edited also.
    You know, next thing you know one of those "fruits" will be "unquestioning obedience".
    Excuse me while I go throw up now.

    "Well done, Blind Squirrel! You've found an impressive nut!

  • waiting

    Hello Bendrr,

    Nice to meet you.

    next thing you know one of those "fruits" will be "unquestioning obedience".

    Today, I ran into an old jw friend of mine. He refused to be a jw for the first 65 years of his life (his wife raised 5 kids as jw's). He was finally baptised around 10 yrs ago. Very outspoken, beligerent man - always spoke his mind about anything.

    His youngest son was df'd about 10 yrs ago also. The son is getting married this weekend. He told me that he & his wife were going to the wedding, but not the reception. "They said it wouldn't look right."

    Who was "they?" The elders. The old man & woman won't go to the wedding reception of their younger son (who they doted on as a baby) because the elders said "it wouldn't look right."

    The man who spoke his mind and stood up for his own opinion is now gone. The worst is - he knows, and used to speak about how crooked our elders are. The same men denying his family the pleasure and joy of a wedding and he's allowing it in "blind obedience."

    What a crock.


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