Would you please email me a scan of the May 22, 1994 Awake article " YOUTHS WHO PUT GOD FIRST." Thanks. Please email to:
Lawrence Hughes
by SHUNNED FATHER 4 Replies latest jw friends
Would you please email me a scan of the May 22, 1994 Awake article " YOUTHS WHO PUT GOD FIRST." Thanks. Please email to:
Lawrence Hughes
There's a copy of the front page here: http://quotes.watchtower.ca/blood.htm
I don't have a copy of the article, but I too would love one! I think it's the S-I-C-K-E-S-T article I've ever seen.
It is already being handled. Be patient! Scanning (entire Awake magazine). Will be sending it to you soon. Copy at 50% resolution to 75% scanning as (picture) larger and more clear.
Documents will be in your computer within 2 hours, if all goes well!
Would a copy from the CD help.
All I have otherwise is a jpeg of the front page and inside cover but not the whole article.
Shunned Father:
Check your e-mail. 32 pages scanned.