Yes, Life is Amazing but it's also.......

by Cygnus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cygnus

    ..... a real mess. I have decided I am well mentally some days and other days I'm not. I have deleted my yahoo accounts as most of the people there are worse off than I am. Most of you people here at JWD seem to have level heads on your shoulders and positive things to say so I read here from time to time. Another thank you to all who have sent me private messages of support, and joannadandy is an absolute goddess. I say that here because these words will be archived and perhaps saved forever and she is deserving of such eternal praise.

  • stillajwexelder

    I hope things improve for you soon

  • MegaDude
    and joannadandy is an absolute goddess

    She has no respect for fine Honda automobiles.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Take a looooonnngggg, slooooooowwww deep breath.... "hold", now EXHALEEEEEEEEEE.......

    Remember the famous words of Scarlett O'Hara... "Tomorrow's another day".

  • Sunspot

    Looks like Yahoo's loss is our gain, huh? It's nice to have you posting again. If you're feeling down, you can always come here to vent---or whatever---or you can PM those who you know that will try and be of help and be there for you.



  • NewLight2

    Hi Cyg,

    Keep your chin up and don't dwell on the things that upset you.

    Take Care,

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