There was no letter read. Read was a one paragraph announcement that came along with a letter to bodies of elders dated 7/5/01.
This is about restitution money available to certain types of victimization from the Nazi regime in WW II Germany. The Society formed a corporation to advertise, collect information and channel money to some of these victims, whichever ones might be among Jehovah’s Witnesses today. The corporation is named Jehovah’s Witnesses Holocaust-Era Survivors Fund, Inc.
The dead line for submitting applications for remuneration is August 1, 2001. Qualified candidates include:
Those who:
Performed slave or forced labor for the Nazis or their allies,
Suffered as children of slaves or forced laborers,
Suffered personal injury or loss of a child during the Nazi period,
Suffered property loss during the Nazi period,
Fled or attempted to flee to Switzerland during the Nazi period,
Were unable to reclaim Swiss bank deposits or insurance policies,
Those whose deceased relatives experienced any of the above.
The money is coming from an organization called International Organization for Migration (IOM).
If you want more details, contact information is,
Jehovah’s Witnesses Holocaust-Era Survivors Fund, Inc.
2800 Route 22
Patterson NY 12563-2226
Telephone: 845-306-3600
Fax: 845-306-3571