Visiting my JW father going crazy!!

by pc 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • pc

    I am visiting my dad in Fl. with my kids for a few days. He wanted to bring one of my sons to the meeting tonight and I said no. He of course had printed articles waiting for me about the cross and Christmas. My dad is elderly but I can't help myself from getting into arguments with him. Why do I feel I have to get him to see the truth. I am pretty tough when it comes to arguing. I told him today that the Watchtower is a false prophet and a cult. I then feel so quilty because he is so old and I am so brutal about the whole thing. I just have so much contempt for thier lies and bull$hit!!

    Also can someone give me a link to all the false end of the times list. I think blondie may have written it.

    I am so happy I can come here to vent and I know you all understand....Thanks

  • ithinkisee

    If you want to blow your father's cross argument out of the water, check out the references here:

    Fairly easy reading

    Did Jesus die on a stake or a cross


  • garybuss
  • pc

    As I sit here posting the bookshelves next to me are completely filled with Watchtower and Awake bound volumes. I was looking through a 1972 bound volume and the question from readers was ....why did the Mosaic law prohibit the eating of fat? I just started cracking up. The answer was that both blood and fat belong exclusively to Jehovah. At that point I decided to go and pour myself another glass of wine..LOL

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    If he's elderly, please let him be. However for the sanity of your household, take a stand in not letting him take your children to the meetings or there'll be division within your home.


  • yesidid

    If he is old and it makes him happy, leave him be.

    I cant see that tearing away the beliefs of an old person is going to help him.

    All you are doing is taking away his peace of mind.

    What have you got to offer him to replace his beliefs? Hey the man's old. Why do it.

    Now dont get me wrong, I personally disagree wih most of what the Watchtower religion teaches. However there are some people for whom the religion is a crutch. If they have no other support system, and this belief system is helpful, why kick it out from under them.

    Completely different if they are young and have a life to live.

    my 2 cents


  • JamesThomas

    Dear pc,

    Yes, this is a hard one, one that I too am dealing with, having loved ones still entombed.

    It seems there is a time, especially when people are elderly, to just shut-up and allow them to believe as they do; simply because it is the most understanding and kind thing to do.

    There are times to slap people upside the head, but if you are feeling uncomfortable about your confrontations with your dear dad, then bow to the inner wisdom which is speaking through discomfort, apologize to dad, and tell him how much you love him. Let him be who he is, never bring it up again, and love him no less.

    I bet you, it will feel as a weight has been lifted, and you will know you have done the right thing.


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