about time we had some warm weather in britain again. the weatherman says it'll be up to 20*c on tomorrow (saturday), so what you all got planned to make the most of this short spell of warm weather? i'm gona laze around in the sun for a few hours and then go on field service at a nightclub in the evening.
20*c in UK
by Pleasuredome 6 Replies latest jw friends
I'd love to be out cruising on my 'Wing.... but it's still being made beautiful following an accident last year
Oh well, I just hope that it's a precursor for a good summer this year !!!... failing that, ANY kind of summer without rain would be good over here!!!
Lucky you Pleasuredome, enjoy the nice weather.
20C is great for mid-March.
How warm does it get in the summer time? Does it reach 30C once in a while?
it sure does JH, but not very often
fleaman uk
Does it get hot in the Summer?
The last few Years we have had some incredibly hot Summers in the UK.In 2003 it topped 100 degrees here in the South!
The weather was really warm here today. The snow has almost all melted. (knock on wood)
I went out just wearing my leather jacket, open, and a tee/jeans. Walking around, listening to tunes for most of the afternoon. I didn't catch the official temperature, but it musta been close to 8-9 deg.
Tomorrow's supposed to be nice, too! If we have a few days like this, the crocuses will be poking up through the soil ... no spring pics from the Celt this year, I guess. :(
20 degrees! I'm jealous, but it'll be up to 30-35 soon enough and I'll be melting from the heat ...
Spring has sprung ....
In 2003 it topped 100 degrees here in the South!
that summer i had to work on the evenings instead in the day, and even then it was swealtering!