I remember about ten years ago that the JWs seemed to be growing very fast in the UK - how is it doing now?
How is the JW church doing in the UK?
by Qcmbr 5 Replies latest jw friends
Maybe like Japan! I don't have a clue. But if the increase is 5% worldwide, hmmmmmmmm, that would speak volumes, no?
Golf -
It was one of the countries with zero growth. Publishers have been static at about 120,000 average for many years now - since about 1995 - and the generation doctrine change in fact. However, the UK Bethel in London is one of the key printing branches and got new presses fairtly recently and is in fact documented on the first few pages of the 2005 yearbook. Hours are down again. In fact total hours have also been down for about 10 years now also.
They've never done too good in UK.
Look at the population, Italy has more or less the same but has almost double JWs. Italy, however, has done well because we have the pope and many don't like him so, they saw JWs as a good alternative..... unfortunately they are just as bad....churches have been empty for a while but KHs are getting emptyer too...
I think there is a decline in English speaking congregations and a growth in foreign speaking congregations. My entire family have learnt Spanish in order to study with Spaniards in the Uk and attend a spanish speaking congregation. I also heard that they were learning Portugese so they could serve in Portugese speaking congregations. Basically happy educated career oriented westerners do not want to know this good news - but foreign families over here to work find new friends in the JWs and are drawn in this way.
Are there any figures available as to number of JW population in the UK that is foreignb language - I'd be very interested to know the percentage. Also do they still publish Dfing figures as if anyone has a yearbook or the relevanty watchtower I'd like to see what the DFing firgures over the last 14 years display - especially as I am in those figures 3 times!