I know a lot on this board don't believe in formal religions. However, there are some who do, and some who don't know much about them. A former JW friend of mine said she felt so clueless about other Christian churches when she first "got out".
I sat in my church this morning thinking of what Palm Sunday means to me, the beginning of Holy Week for Christians around the world. I would like to share this, below. You can read other places online, or use your Bible to guide you. The people in the streets called out, "Hosanna which means, Save Us" to the Prince of Peace.
What really happened on that first Palm Sunday? (1) Jesus the incarnate Son of God prepared to offer himself to Israel as their long-awaited Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6; Zechariah 9:9) and their King-Messiah (Psalm 118:26). He came to offer them not only himself but also the gift of salvation, to set up his kingdom of righteousness in their hearts. (2) Many responded to his offer, but (3) most of the nation rejected the Prince of Peace and his invitation of redemption, so (4) he wept over their future physical, emotional, and spiritual destruction. Because of their rejection Jesus had to finish out the week as the final Passover Lamb who willingly died for the sins of the world. But because of his death on the cross, his resurrection, and his Ascension into the presence of his Father where he now reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords, we see the greatest redeeming value of the events of that first Palm Sunday: Regardless of the political, religious, or social circumstances of our lives, the Prince of Peace is still inviting everyone to place their faith in him and be reconciled to God in order to enjoy the full peace of God!