1914 - don't let it go

by A Paduan 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Does anyone (Blondie?) have the wt "1914 generation" references (& website stuff) that express the recent 'old light' (most recent articles please) - and how long this was emphatically taught as matter fact - I would like to compile them and hand them to the next jw who knocks - for some reason I think that this is current and cannot be denied so easily.

    I've never been jw but I clearly remember people at the door insisting that "this generation...........blah, blah, blah) - which of course now is not the case.

    It would be great if anyone had examples of disfellowshippings for not having believed it.

  • mouthy

    I was DF for not believing it. Never did believe it. But they allowed me to get baptised ....Then in 1986( I was baptised in 63) they came out with the April 1.1986 in Questions to the Readers. saying if one did not believe it we were to be ousted.
    I wrote to The Head Huncho Fred Franz & they sent three "brothers"(sic) to tell me if I didnt believe it I was to be DF.... Which they did.
    I would like to add about 2-3 yrs ago ( I cant remember ) They came back to see if I would like to be reinstated.... I think they will be changing the date soon.
    Needless to say I am NOT reinstated even though I said I would like to be. the reason why????
    Because I explained I would tell all in the coongregation about the United Nations deal, also about those who died for lack of organ transplants -be fore Jehovah changed his mind. & also told them I would preach the REAL Gospel!!!!
    Guess that is ONE Gospel they try to hide.

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    That's interesting information 'mouthy' ... I forgot how hardline the society was regarding the 1914 teaching. It's pathetic really, but then their central doctrine revolves around that date.

    If they had a more flexible approach towards that date and it's spiritual (in)significance, then I'm sure they would lure back the odd so-called apostate.

    There is no doubt that 1914 was a terrible year for the world scene, but the synchronicity regarding Russells prophetic date and the great war, could have had other meanings.

    Why does it have to signify Satan being confined to the earth during that year?

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Wow mouthy - you sure got to see their true colours

    So because you didn't believe the world would end they booted you - then of course the world didn't end, but they had 'new light' about it (ie. we're still here)

    maybe you shouldn't be so honest about your reinstatement intentions - next time

    I don't suppose you received an apology - God forbid eh

  • mouthy

    They dont know how to say sorry!!!

    Just heard from an EX JW that at the memorial this year the rest of the 144.000 is to be raptured???? Any one got any info on that....?????

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