My Aunt Loyal Wife and Uncle Smooth Talking Elder were married over 30 years. They had 4 children and he owned a small business. He always employed witnesses. One of his employees, Unnatractive Single Sister, worked for him for years. She would go out of town with him "for business" while Aunt Loyal Wife stayed at home with the kids. Once as a teenager, my cousin, Wordly Stripper, caught Smmoth Talking Elder and Unnatractive Single Sister making out. He tried to tell but of course no one would believe him. Years later, my cousin, Bethel Model, (she was on the cover of Awake several months ago praying), got married. I don't know what happened but at the last minute she decided Elder was not walking her down the aisle. I later found out that all hell had broke loose in the family but it was covered up and kept secret. Aunt Loyal moved to Hawaii with 2 of her kids. I guess she suspected that he was having an affair. They ended up getting back together. He was able to convince her that there had been no affair. Aunt Loyal was even friends with Unnatractive. Somehow the rumors started again and Aunt Loyal asked Uncle to let Unnatractive go as an employee. He refused. Aunt Loyal moved back to Hawaii. Uncle got rid of all her belongings, even family heirlooms. I guess now there is no doubt that there was an affair. But there is no proof. I guess the act would have to be witnessed by two...LOL. So Aunt Loyal will not get a divorce , just a seperation. He does pay alimony. He lost his position as Elder. Unnatractive still works for him. Neither was disfellowshipped. They continue to see each other. That is just wrong!
My Aunt Loyal Wife and Uncle Smooth Talking Elder
by jwNOT 7 Replies latest jw friends
Smooth talking elders know how to use the rules in their favour. Sad.
How hypocritical......
Aunt Loyal Wife and Uncle Smooth Talking Elder
Unattractive Single Sister
Great way to tell the story...I think we all know ones just like that, who've gotten away with things.
" God sees everything" but the elders are usually blind to each others faults.
Doubtfully Yours
Typical JW soap opera.
Something similar is going on in the congregation I attend. There's this eloquent, smooth, rather handsome young married elder that has the warmies for a young, beautiful married sister. He's always at her house and it's so obvious that they're getting it on with eachother! But, hey, no 2 or more witnesses to their acts! Therefore, the "leave it in Jehovah's hands" policy is applied.
What a sham!!!
I think this type of "activity" in "Jehovah's pure organization" is pretty rampant...I live on the east coast and know of two similiar situations where "prominent" ones (elders) got the hots for the local talent and decided to do the nasty - quietly until they got caught...both instances the elders were able to "cop a plea" by knowing the committee rules and just got publically reproved...whatever that means in JW dom...another case happened to someone in my family in the upper west...hubby...former elder (bounced do to pornographyseveral years ago) was on the fast track again and was appointed a MS...two years later...he's shagging a local pioneer with a kid who's the wife of a local elder in the same congo...all hell broke out...even the neighbors know something was up...but...the adulterer (associated with a local prominent aka money bags family) was able to show "repentance (and teach his new flame how to do that too - though she was able to leave the kid to her elder hubby so she could "move on") so both were just publicaly reproved...for about 6 both have full priveleges again (though he is not an MS) and both will become fast track again...and this is the quality of some of the low lifes walking the streets in the interest of the "good news" telling those in the "world" what they must do to get saved...yeah...join them...major joke and these clowns all think they're part of a wholesome org whose members will only get saved...who would want to be with the likes of these people anyway...?
ex service overseer.
>>Once as a teenager, my cousin, Wordly Stripper
that raises all sorts of images
interesting story, seen it many times
you end up thinking that if these people have been studying the fruitage of the spirit for decades and are still no better than joe public whats going on - and now we know
cheers and beers
It makes you sick doesnt it.