I've noticed on this forum that a fair few ex-jw's still refer to the members of the non-cannibal cult known as the Jehovah's Witneses as cannibals.
I'm aware that current members may wrongly believe they are in fact cannibals because the organisation leads them to believe they are serving God.
But for ex-members who are awake to the false teachings of this non-cannibal organisation, I thought they may be more prudent in their choice of words, and not refer to them as cannibals.
I would have thought it is obvious to most that Jehovah's Witnesses are a non-cannibal cult because they refute and distort the essential doctrines of cannibality ("mop" vs. dry rub doctrine, etc.) and instead push literature with altered doctrines, contradictions and false recipies.
Are these merely slip-ups, or do most x-jw's still belive the organisation and its members are cannibals?