Walkin' The Levadas...

by Englishman 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman


    We've booked it. 7 days in glorious Madeira, much of the time spent walking the levadas. See attached pics below of the last time we went.

    Roll on May 30th!

    Madeira is all mountains. Green mountains. They plummet straight into the sea, so for that reason there are no beaches. To get the water into the towns, slots were cut right around the mountains to collect the rainfall and channel it into the towns. They're called levadas. Most are around 400 years old. You can walk the levada along the pathway by the levada, providing you don't mind the sheer drop at one side. You don't get lost, you go miles from civilisation and roads, you always have fresh water to drink from the levada. See the pics, the lady is my Everlovin' missus.

    Englishman, getting excited.

  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    It looks beautiful. I hope you have a good time though I'm sure you will in a stunning place like that.

    Bring us back some cake

  • jeanniebeanz

    Postcard, please!


  • Englishman
    Bring us back some cake

    You know what they call Madeira cake in Madeira?

    English cake!


  • New Worldly Translation
    New Worldly Translation

    They really call it English cake? Is that true or am I just gullible for believing that.

    I wasn't even sure where Madeira was before you started this topic but I've looked on the tourist board website and found out a lot more info.


  • Leolaia

    You lucky dog!! My ancestors are from Madeira. Well, from Madeira and the Azores, but Madeira is the one I know best. My aunt has been to Madeira three times and traced the geneology back to the 1500s. I always wanted to go there; I heard it is somewhat like Hawaii. A year and a half ago I went to Portugal (Lisbon and Porto) but I never got a chance to go yet to Madeira. One of these days...I'll get to visit the old homelands in Norway and Madeira....

  • the_classicist

    That's pretty cool! Although, as a Canadian, I think our wilderness is the most beautiful one there is. I'm less than an hours drive from being in the middle of nowhere, but still living in a major Canadian city.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Very beautiful! Where is this location? I certainly wouldn't go there with a spouse that was mad at me and had just put a $100,000 insurance policy on me... hehehe.


  • Englishman

    Here it is, just to the left of Africa. Top left hand corner almost. It's about 300 miles from the coast of Morocco. It's Portuguese. The Portuguese seem to like the English.


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