Why do apostates ignore this???

by TheApostleAK 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheApostleAK

    That Ray Franz used Johannes Greber twice as a source in the Aid To Bible Understanding book.

    From The Apostle AK

  • DrunkWithLiberty

    Mr. Apostle,
    The tanslators of the NWT also use this Greber's translation in which he does not hide the facts that he used his wife's channeling abilities to aid in his own translation. I was not aware that Ray Franz used it in the Aid book. But it wouldn't surprise me. In Crises of Conscience, Ray admits that his own work was not as the facts show. He explained that the date for the destruction of Babylon date of 607 BCE did not correlate to the facts of the experts. He said he spent most of the article on this subject on trying to disprove the experts findings.
    There is a link somewhere that also suplies watchtower article that shows that the translators were aware of Greber's use of spiritism in connection with his bible.
    I am sure others on this board would know the web address if you are interested.
    take care, Angeleah

  • Amazing

    Hi ApostleAK: Angeleah is quite correct. Also, bear in mind that Ray Franz did not write every page or research every topic in the "Aid" book. He was, I believe, in charge of the Aid Book project, and was the principle researcher and writer on the 607 BCE issue, and several related items. The NWT Translation Committee developed the NWT long before Ray even went to Bethel, much less be involved in its research.

    When JWs awakened to the fact that Greber was a source reference for the Society and his spiritistic tendancies, they wrote to the Society. It took the Society years before they quietly dropped Greber as a reference, though they still use the most of the same Greber-styled material as basis for their Translation, especially in non-Trinitarian views of certain verses.

    We need to realize that Ray Franz grew up as a JW, and was a lifelong member who devoted himself to the religion out of the same sense of belief and acceptance of its teachings as any devout JW. Anything he may have done as part of his activity in researching, writing, and editing material for their publications would naturally have been in accordance with the views he held at the time. - Amazing

  • Osarsif

    From: http://www.premier1.net/~raines/wtgreber.html

    «[Ken Raines] asked Ray Franz, one of the compilers of the Society's Bible Encyclopedia Aid to Bible Understanding which quoted Greber twice, if he was responsible for either of those two references and if he knew who Greber was. He replied:

    "On the Aid material, all articles were always read by and, if considered necessary, edited by at least one other person on the project staff. So I am certain to have at least reviewed the writeups of the two articles you list. And I am equally certain that in doing so the thought of Greber's being connected with spiritism never entered my mind. I was doing circuit and district work in the Caribbean at the time the October 1, 1955 and February 15, 1956, articles came out with their information on Greber. I read them of course, but in the years that followed between then and the start of the Aid project in 1966, I also read thousands of articles in the 240 other Watchtowers and the 240 Awakes published during those ten years, plus many other publications. I would no more remember his name than I would remember the name of Doctor Rumble or Jean Brierre, mentioned on the same page with him in the 1955 magazine, or Bishop Samuel Fallows, mentioned on the same page with him in the 1956 issue. Had I remembered the brief mention of him in the 1955 and 1956 articles I am sure it would have caused me to express concern over the use of his translation. It was not until after leaving the Brooklyn headquarters that the issue of the propriety of quoting from Greber's translation ever came to my attention. What is true of me is, I believe, true of the others working on the Aid project.... I believe most of the staff members I knew would have conscientious qualms about quoting anything connected with spiritism, other than in discussing the wrongful aspects of spiritism..."»

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