the only kick i got from the memorial this year was being invited to play xboxlive after. also an "anointed" practically commanded me to start regular pioneering to which he successfully read my silent lips wording out the phrase "yea, whatever." all in all...i should've just taken a big swig of the wine being passed around and.. i'm sure everyone would've passed the crackers anyway.
memorial 2005
by drunkenpikachu 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
an "anointed" practically commanded me to start regular pioneering
They forget, they're not to lord it over us! Teach by example! Is that person practicing what they preach? Is he or she a regular pioneer and if so for how long?? And if he or she has stopped...why?? Or is it a case of, 'do as I say not as I do?'
Hello and welcome.
maybe the 'anointed' person was passing on a divine message for you.
This years Memorial was like last year. The talk again was focused on the "Heavenly Class" and the Great Crowd that is going to live on earth, and they spend much time trying to support this idea, jumping from Revelation to Isaia and Psalms getting Bible passages from Old to New Testament in order to convised people that they are correct.
Just a few words about Jesus(I thought that the Memorial was about JESUS and not the 144.000) And in the end the speaker urged those who are not JW's to start a Bible Study in order to survive Armageddon!!!
It seems that the leadership of WT has run out of ideas and they have NOTHING to give to their "flock" anymore, besides unfullfield promises...
I finished this post with 2 simple Bible passages that give to us the real meaning of Christianity and Jesus Memorial:
John 6:53 "Indeed, I assure you, if you do not eat the FLESH of the son of man, and drink HIS BLOOD you have no Life in your selves.
Revelation 19:1 After these things I heard a loud voice of a great crowd IN HEAVEN, saying HALLELUJAH...
It seems that the leadership of WT has run out of ideas and they have NOTHING to give to their "flock" anymore,
I think your exactly RIGHT! And I think it's born out by the increasing micro-managing of personal lives and the complete fabrication of prophecy, ie: their 'new' understanding of 2Cor 12: 1-4 Where's my puke bucket?
maybe the 'anointed' person was passing on a divine message for you.
And that would be only with the written permission of the GB, dontcha know!
homme perdu
"Only Jehovah knows who will enter heaven and remain on earth.......Last year 8,000+ participated in the emblem which are part of the 144000 going to heaven"
"To be a spiritual virgin one must obstain from politics and false religion"
There was alot of 144000 nut hugging at the memorial