Having been "born" into the WTS, my dad, of course, tried to get me to focus on a "future" in the BORG.
When I was choosing a high school to attend, I settled on the New York School of Printing, mainly because I had a few JW friends who were attending, and we grew up together.
When I made this choice, my dad suggested that if I wanted to learn about printing, I should set Bethel as my goal after school.
I remember his words clearly, "you will learn all you need to know about printing @ Bethel", implying that the WTS were the REAL experts.
How HAPPY I am that I never heeded that advice. As I see it, I would have learned how to print propaganda and live @ slave wages.
Dont get me wrong, I DO print propaganda, but I make a pretty good living at it. Everyone who prints is trying to sell somethng, LoL, but why should I live as a pauper selling someone else's crap.
So, any examples of WTS career "advice" that you didn't heed, even while a faithful BORG drone?