Last Teusday, I made a decision to start my life anew and without bitterness. My first deed was to call my ex girlfriend. My second deed was to tell the JW's who bullied me as a child that I forgave them for their stupidity.
I swang by the kingdom hall on my bike, donned with my blue hair and multiple ear peircings and black clothes. Half the JW's there were new to that certian cong and didn't know me, and they passed by me like I didn't exist.
The other half knew me and treated me as though I was invisible. The remaining quarter love bombed me and gave me invites to the memorial.
When my mom and brother heard that I was there, immediatley when I came home, she started treating me like I was family once again.
Then I comitted a cardinal sin in the JW religion. I skipped out on the memorial. (The rewards for my cardinal sin was me finding a BC Rich Warlock guitar and a Saturday Night Special bass for about 140$ total and finding a Japaneese resteraunt where sashimi, rice and a soft drink would cost under 7$ total)
The lovebombing went away. My brother was left crying in the Kingdom Hall because 2 disfellowshipped people who he grew up with came to the memorial.
I was then treated like persona non grata again. They even went so far as to say that I would be kicked out of my house because I'm not a member of their church.
They keep on asking me why I don't want to be a member of their church despite the fact they were still degrading me. I then told them that their deeds are proof that their church is shallow, selfish and it produces behavior like this towards family members.
It's sad that they don't see the error in their ways.