One Simple Truth

by metatron 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Some things are so simple, they can get overlooked.

    For some time, I wished there was a simple, unassailable
    arguement against being one of the Borg.

    And there is - What is the purpose of life?

    Answer: To be happy! There is no other reasonable
    answer to this question. Like Descartes famous
    observation "I think, therefore I am", happiness
    being life's purpose should be self-evident.

    If you had eternal life and everything money can buy,
    but you weren't happy, what would be the point of

    Perhaps the Society is, at last, becoming dimly
    aware of this simple, profound truth. They recently
    listed "joy" as a mark of true religion (last week's
    Watchtower study article). They seem to think commanding
    publishers to be happy will stem the growing tide of
    depression that afflicts their tired thralls.

    It reminds me of how the Soviet Union's commisars
    used to command the wheat to grow!

    The reason you're alive is to explore, create, achieve,
    nurture, love, and enjoy living.

    Seize the day!


  • voltaire

    Excellent observation. That's one reason why I understand that someone might like being a witness. If they are really happy or their family is in the organization and they can stand the meetings, that's ok by me. Perhaps someone might feel that they are doing some good by discouraging smoking, encouraging marital fidelity, etc. It certainly allows(mostly men) a certain sense
    of accomplishment as they progress toward being respected members of their community, giving talks etc. My only hope is that some day JWs will see that that not everyone can find fulfillment and happiness in their way of life.

  • waiting

    Hey Voltaire,

    My only hope is that some day JWs will see that that not everyone can find fulfillment and happiness in their way of life.

    That would seem reasonable. If the jw is happy being a jw - fine. But that's part of the rub.....jw's feel that they MUST save good hearted persons from a terrible death at Armageddon (being killed by God), and if they don't try - they are blood guilty themselves.

    So, therefore, if I leave The Truth, my jw family and friends are unhappy because I will be killed by God if I don't come back to the organization. They're goal in life is to make me a jw if at all possible.

    Thus, they can never really be happy - because they're never accomplishing enough per the WTBTS.


  • joelbear

    I agree strongly with Metatron on this one with the caveat that I also think life is about helping other people be happy.

    I did not know a lot of happy Jehovah's Witnesses. I was not a happy Jehovah's Witness. There was not much effort on the part of other Jehovah's Witnesses to help me be happy.

    Therefore, it wasn't for me.

    If people are truly happy being one of Jehovah's Witnesses, by all means, they should stay Jehovah's Witness.



  • metatron

    A solid point - love and kindness towards others is
    certainly part of the 'good life'.

    Making happiness the purpose of life would be destructive
    to the Borg - they are filled with frustration and depression
    - and it's going to get worse, as they slowly 'wake up'.


  • Maximus

    Then there are those elders who would like to submit to Writing a serious treatise about the beneficial properties of playing golf and being a shepherd of the flock. I'm as serious as a heart attack.

    Dubito, ergo sum.


  • Cygnus

    Playing golf certainly brings me much happiness (except for my meltdown on #18 today which ruined an otherwise terrific round).

    That said, I do not believe that the pursuit of happiness ought to be the sole or primary goal one ought to be dedicated to. Necessity, and responsibility, are. What is necessary, and what one is responsible for, might not bring happiness, but it is what makes the world a better place for everyone.

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