hes my favourite fiction author...is he anyone elses...one of his books was about religious fanatics who wouldnt allow their child medical treatment..twas called blood test...the hero in his books is a psychiatrist called alex delaware....how come no movies have been made of his books...or are there tv movies or series in usa that havnt reached uk yet
jonathon kellerman
by tijkmo 5 Replies latest jw friends
One of my favorites.
I think no movies have been made because once you remove all the smart parts of the book all you are left with is Sturgis and Delaware looking in trunks and getting beat up and stuff.
yes you might have a point there...there is a lot of thinking that goes on which doesnt translate well on the big screen or the tv..still you'd think someone might have tried....you might like an authoress called elizabeth george...tv series in uk is ok but doesnt do the books justice
cool! thanks. I haven't had much time for fiction reading lately. I need something like a book vacation. LOL!
If you guys wanna read an amazing fiction novel about a dude in a cult read 'Survivor' by Chuck Pahlinuck. It was my favorite fiction book for quite a while. Hilarious and frightening at the same time.
I've read a few Kellerman books and loved them. His psychiatrist alter ego is fascinating.