went to a slipknot concert

by crizlee 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • crizlee

    hahaha it was real hardcore, we were in the mosh pit.

    this is the best year ever i swear, im living the non jw life i want. haha and im still baptized, for 5 years now.

    letsee so far ive:

    went partying with a hot worldly workmate

    got drunk

    made out with her

    drove home drunk

    made diverse worldy friends of different backgrounds and interests

    hung out with all of them

    caught up with old worldy friends

    fought my parents for my right to live

    work and do good in school at the sametime

    got accepted to a university

    went paintballing with the soccer team

    partied at my first choice prom dates bday party with the football team

    went to concerts, local bands and big bands

    had mutliple GFs

    had a week date for each

    had hot worldly girls chasing after me(never had this attention in the kingdom hall)

    watched fireworks with one girl on new years eve by the lake

    got my dad to understand finally that im effing right about the whole situation

    got a prom date

    still need to do:


    go to the lake after prom and watch the stars

    maybe get laid haha

    threesome would be nice

    go to the beach with my wordly friends over the summer

    have mad fun in college

    and list grows....the future is untold now

  • GetBusyLiving

    LOL.. everything sounds good but the drunk driving bit bro.. peace.


  • Scully

    Glad to hear that you're living your dreams.

    But please do everyone a favour and don't drive drunk ever again. If you kill someone, you'll spend the rest of your life having that burden on your conscience.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    drove home drunk


  • czarofmischief

    careful ace; laws of physics still apply to you...

  • Abaddon
    drove home drunk

    Why spoil good fun with something that can get you, or worse still some innocent bystander, killed?

    Not big. Not clever.

    Good for you with your new-found freedom; just don't be slack, you still have responsibilities even thopugh you are free.

  • DanTheMan
    The world hates us.


    Nah, The World? couldn't care less, from what I've observed. The persecution mentality is classic cult indoctrination 101.

  • AuntieJane

    Crizlee, you are exerting your independance in some dangerous ways. I give you credit for trying to think on your OWN w/out the WTS controlling your every thought but use some COMMON SENSE. You're gonna get some negative feedback on your post, be ready to take it like a man, listen ok?

  • crizlee

    yea i will never drive home drunk again. i have my friend drive me now or stay sober. that shouldnt have gone on the list b/c i was scared that time. i got lost in the neighborhood full of cops. vision was serving and voices were echoing, and i puked everywhere in my truck and then outside. my mom didnt notice i was drunk though.

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