Happy Easter!
by Alleymom 6 Replies latest jw friends
Happy Easter to you and all Apostates.,,,Amen
We are having an egg hunt in just a few minutes...the 6 year old is excited. And Easter baskets for all !!!!!! Happy Spring to everyone!!!!
franklin J
We had an Easter egg hunt in my house this morning too. My 5 year old is so caught up in it...it was fun. The bunny stopped by during the nite and brought easter baskets filled with goodies for everyone.
Thank you Alleymom . . . and a Happy Easter to you and all the posters !
Happy Easter to you all.
We took our granddaughter to Catholic mass in the morning, as we do every Sunday, and then got the traditional ham ready for the afternoonmeal. We have a few relatives over, and they spend the rest of the day talking, watching t.v., or, if the weather permits, going for a walk in the neighborhood.
My granddaughter and I went for a bike ride around the neighborhood, and "harrassed" my sister and cousin while they were taking a walk. LOL !!
It was a nice day in the North East, with temperatures around 52, and sunny.
No Easter Egg hunt today, because there was still snow in the back yard. But, we all had fun anyway.